Daily Ting

I got the same as MattAY,

"You are a Meetkat. You are a people person. You enjoy socializing and working in a group. Others appreciate your responsibility, loyalty and willingness to help."

It kinda sounds like me, I guess? I do like to help people, but I'm not really into socializing unless it's with people I know.
For owl, it says:

"You are analytical and thoughtful. You prefer to work alone. In private life you are loyal and responsible."

I get that a lot; "analytical."
MattAY said:
You are

You are a people person. You enjoy socializing and working in a group. Others appreciate your responsibility, loyalty and willingness to help.

Not one word of that is correct.

I got Meerkat too and figured that would happen after reading your description.
Today's Ting #62

Tuesday said:
Add the day of your birth plus the number of the month. Take that number and redo the corresponding ting.

Check the first post for the full list. - Ting

De-Ting: 51
StudioTan: 47
MattAY: 39
UrbanMasque: 33
Bretimus_v2: 24
Master_Craig: 24
UghRochester: 21
used44: 20
Longo_2_guns: 16
HK-47: 14
WickedLiquid: 12
Green_Lantern: 1
UghRochester said:
December 21.


12 + 21 = 33

#33 Friday, Oct. 30: Play a game with a Halloween or otherwise spooky theme. Tells us which game and, if applicable, which level you played. - Ting

April 28.
+ 4
= #32 Thursday, Oct. 29: Watch something scary! - Longo_2_guns

I'm watching High Anxiety as I type; it's kinda scary.
5 + 2 = 7 (MM/DD)

De-Ting said:
Today's Thing #7

Saturday said:
Post a word or phrase from your childhood and google it.
StudioTan will pick the next thing.

My siblings and I used to call each other "booce." It came from an old Frosty the Snowman movie that had a glitch in the audio at one point when a kid says "Bruce."

Apparently, we are the only ones who know about it...
I used to have trouble finding stuff on the ground when my step-dad would point it out to me. He would call me "Mr.Magoo" I didn't know who that was until last year. I Google'd to see if the text were fading away or said something not at all relating to what a site found had to offer.
Dad used to call me "boof head" when I did something silly, when I was a kid. Nowadays it's "smart arse". :p
4 + 12 = 16

#16 Monday, Oct. 12: Share your favorite memory or just say something nice about Bretimus. - Ting

Probably playing Dungeons and Dragons with some buds, played a guy named Uncle Ruckus and it ended up with us trapped in a blacksmith, a bisected blacksmither and a failed attempt at persuasion. It was hilarious.

And Bret, that is one cool cat, but cool as in "as cool as Miles Davis".
Today's Ting #63

Wednesday said:
You magically appear before a fellow forum member for just long enough to give them a high five. Who is it? - Ting

De-Ting: 52
StudioTan: 48
MattAY: 39
UrbanMasque: 33
Bretimus_v2: 25
Master_Craig: 25
UghRochester: 22
used44: 20
Longo_2_guns: 16
HK-47: 15
WickedLiquid: 12
Green_Lantern: 1
SHIIIIIIT. That's a tough one!

It's either going to be Urban_Masque, UghRochester or De-Ting.

...fight to the death for my high five. TRIPLE THREAT MATCH.
Master_Craig said:
SHIIIIIIT. That's a tough one!

It's either going to be Urban_Masque, UghRochester or De-Ting.

...fight to the death for my high five. TRIPLE THREAT MATCH.
Honestly, it's an easy Urban for me, especially considering our record in GRumble...

...for which I would also slug him on the way out.
I'd high five everyone.

Bretimus_v2 said:
Used because I sure as hell wouldn't get out to Alaska otherwise.

I don't know why I haven't hung out with Urban yet.

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