Daily Ting



A table for board gaming and playing cards, some old cabinets, comfy seating and a wet bar from which I will serve the feistier of root beers.
Today's Ting #67

Monday said:
The photo below was me at an annual awards banquet. If you worked at McDonald's 3 or more years, you get to go and have a fancy dinner and get a free gift. This year we received a BBQ utensil set. From left to right (not mentioning names, because I don't want Google to see this); The owner, his daughter, me, the district manager

Make a meme out of this photo. - UghRochester
Pro tip: use this

De-Ting: 56
StudioTan: 52
MattAY: 42
UrbanMasque: 36
Bretimus_v2: 27
Master_Craig: 27
UghRochester: 26
used44: 21
Longo_2_guns: 17
HK-47: 15
WickedLiquid: 12
Green_Lantern: 1
Today's Ting #68

Wednesday said:
Name a game from the PS1 or N64 collection you would like to see remade. - StudioTan

De-Ting: 57
StudioTan: 53
MattAY: 43
UrbanMasque: 36
Bretimus_v2: 27
Master_Craig: 27
UghRochester: 26
used44: 21
Longo_2_guns: 17
HK-47: 15
WickedLiquid: 13
Green_Lantern: 1
Original Spyro the Dragon. Insomniac back at the wheel, remastered graphics and soundtrack, core gameplay kept intact with revamped controls, smoother animations, and revitalized world designs.

Wow. Now I'm kinda sad not to have it. Thanks a lot, StudioTan.

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