Daily Ting

Today's Ting #48

Saturday said:
If you were on death row, what would your last meal be? EAT AT LEAST A PART OF IT! - MattAY

De-Ting: 39
StudioTan: 35
MattAY: 33
used44: 19
UrbanMasque: 21
Bretimus_v2: 20
Master_Craig: 17
Longo_2_guns: 11
WickedLiquid: 11
UghRochester: 10
HK-47: 6
Half chicken teryaki with rice, teryaki sauce, sauted veggies on top and pineapple sauce for zest; half yakisoba soup with the good stuff in it, or the one with the really thick noodles and deliciousness. Think that is yakisoba. Both would make one full meal.
Are you guys eating part of your last meal today? I'm pretty sure that's what MattAY is wanting you to do. My last meal would be this bacon burger at a tavern in my area. It's delicious and uses Jack Daniel's in the sauce.
I'd go Mexican: Chile relleno, rice, beans. chips, guacamole, and like five clementines for desert; I love those things.
Today's Ting #49

Monday said:
In light of the recent terrorist attacks. Show your support of France by sharing something from the country you enjoy. - WickedLiquid

De-Ting: 40
StudioTan: 36
MattAY: 33
UrbanMasque: 22
Bretimus_v2: 21
used44: 19
Master_Craig: 18
Longo_2_guns: 11
WickedLiquid: 11
UghRochester: 11
HK-47: 7
If anything, their language and the accents of French ladies. Beautiful language and it's so good that it's taught in Canadian schools, mandatory at the one I attended pre-high school.

UghRochester said:
Are you guys eating part of your last meal today? I'm pretty sure that's what MattAY is wanting you to do. My last meal would be this bacon burger at a tavern in my area. It's delicious and uses Jack Daniel's in the sauce.

Totally misunderstood it. Just the teryaki, minus the pineapple sauce. And with noodles instead of rice.

Probably one of the coolest gifts the French has given to the Americans.
They got some coffee
eatin' right through the cup
And when you go ka-ka
they make you stand up
wayyyyy down in France

Thankful for Maurice Ravel, Claude Debussy, Hector Berlioz, Camille Saint Seans,
Georges Bizet, Gabriel Fauré

I could keep going, but those are my favorite French composers. That Debussy string quartet is one of my all-time favorites; it's regarded as a major point in his departure from Romanticism with its many tonal shifts, compound rhythms, and unique chords and scales - a big influence for future Neo-Classical composers like Stravinsky and Schoenberg.

The French has incredible judo and some of the world's best judo players, as judo as the second most popular sport in France, right behind soccer. France is one of the only countries in the world (aside from Russia and Japan) that certain judo players, like opens player (essentially super heavyweight) Teddy Riner here, can train and compete in judo as a full time profession. Normally there's honestly no money in judo but in France, it's a possible reality.

I've trained with French players before and most of them mopped the floor with us. They're among the best at the sport.
I've been drinkin' all night until my eyes got red
Stumbled on the gutter and busted my head
Bugs in my zoot suit; been scratchin' like a dog
I can't stand no water, and I stink like a hog
Okay, need more ideas. PM me whatever you got.

Today's Ting #50

Tuesday said:
Write something that happened at work today. - MattAY
HK-47 will choose the next ting.

De-Ting: 41
StudioTan: 37
MattAY: 34
UrbanMasque: 23
Bretimus_v2: 21
used44: 19
Master_Craig: 19
Longo_2_guns: 12
WickedLiquid: 12
UghRochester: 12
HK-47: 8

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