Community Choice Game of the Year Showdown!

.......................... Skyward Sword.............................

Mr Dan sir,
Me thinks that you are either an evil genius or midget with a Napoleon Complex.

The game that started it all versus the latest in the series that is the genre's benchmark.

Yup just took an arrow in the knee on this one...
Ill never understand why it matters what games go up against which games. It won't change the final outcome, so who gives a flying monkeys dung.

And besides Skyrim against Skyward Sword isn't even a close match. If you give Skyrim, the most bugged, most broken, and the biggest step back in the franchise the nod over probably the best Zelda game to date, you're wrong.

Skyrim is a great game, but GOTY it definitely is not even a consideration. Hence Skyrim getting almost no votes except from people who likely don't own a Wii. You'd have to be brain damaged to pick Skyrim if you've played both.

This is coming from a PS3 owner with an almost unplayable copy past a certain point. Sorry scratch that, it IS unplayable. The bug laden game up until the point I literally became unable to move was bad enough. A game company that releases a completely broken game (and appears to have no plans to compensate buyers) deserves no praise.

I feel bad for ps3 owners who bought this game on limited funds. Only to not be able to play it past a certain point, and can't return it even though its broken.
intoTheRain said:
Ill never understand why it matters what games go up against which games. It won't change the final outcome, so who gives a flying monkeys dung.

And besides Skyrim against Skyward Sword isn't even a close match. blablabla

Skyrim is a great game, but GOTY it definitely is not even a consideration blablabla

This is coming from a PS3 owner with blablabla.

I feel bad for ps3 owners who bought this game on limited funds. Only to not be able to play it past a certain point, and can't return it even though its broken.

I share your pain, fellow PS3 owner.
I also think that if one thing your post is missing, is a vote for either one.
i already voted. the initial intention of the post was just to say GUYS WAI DOES IT MATTUR WHAT GAMES GO AGAYNST WAT GAMEZ, cause the outcome will be the same regardless.

then somehow i turned it into a rant.


isnt the first time, unfortunately.
intoTheRain said:
the initial intention of the post was just to say GUYS WAI DOES IT MATTUR WHAT GAMES GO AGAYNST WAT GAMEZ

You could have said that in the first place and everything would have been better you know?
tinymhg said:

You are a milk drinker if you vote Zelda. :P

Holy shit! its alive! I don't think anybody is surprised by you voting for Skyrim, we haven't seen you in nearly a month. So I thought he is either busy with Skyrim or he is dead. Or died from playing Skyrim.

I'm abstaining this round, haven't put hands on either.
Sigh I just realized how much better my rant would have been if I ended it voting for Skyrim.

SS still woulda won.

Too many regrets in this life :(

Welcome back Tiny, I like you, I hope you like me.
intoTheRain said:
Ill never understand why it matters what games go up against which games. It won't change the final outcome, so who gives a flying monkeys dung.
It does, though. Somewhat

Lets say we have four games: A, B, C, and D. A can beat B, D beats C, B beats D, D beats A, and B beats C. A-D C-B would result in B being the winner. A-B C-D would result in D being the winner. And that's on a small, poorly written scale.

While people aren't so solid as the numbers, It can change the outcome some. But whatever, it's too late now.
I will abstain from voting because I have not had the opportunity to play SS...because it is on a system that requires me to mime jacking off to play. Less Wii more Mii by msyelf in dark room while everyone is asleep.
Blazin13 said:
I will abstain from voting because I have not had the opportunity to play SS...because it is on a system that requires me to mime jacking off to play. Less Wii more Mii by msyelf in dark room while everyone is asleep.

Sadly, this. I want to play any and all Zelda's forever, but not right now and not in the wii. I own a Wii, and never ever play any games on it. I'm not as opposed to the motion controls as you are, but I just can't bring myself to buy SS because there's a good chance that I'll only play it a little bit and then go back to my Xbox. Maybe somebody will get it for me for Christmas (or for my brother, as it is actually HIS wii, he just has left it here for a year because he pretty much feels the same way).

And I own the PS3 version. I had about a 180 second period where Skyrim became unplayable for me. It was when I was following some dog on a Daedric Quest. I've had potions that lasted longer.

150 hours in and no lag. Although I get a few system crashes a night that force a hard reset. It just happened to me right now or else I'd still be playing.

The fact that I'm putting up with the shit proves just how good the game itself is. The game would be held on so much higher of a pedestal if only there weren't these bugs.

That said, I haven't even played Skyward Sword - I don't want to. I have no interest in motion controls or the Wii. That ship sailed long ago. I also feel as though all Zelda games are too much alike.

This is exactly why I think Nintendo should quit the hardware biz and create software only. That way I could play their games on consoles worth my time.
Skyrim puts a basket over Link's head, 22-12, and then proceeds to steal all the ruppees, which happen to be worth 1, 5, and 25.

Also, Anthony's vote doesn't count. We have a gigantic Game of the Year feature coming up soon! Save your picks for that!


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