Community Choice Game of the Year Showdown!

I must admit I am biased, towards both games. I loved Battefield ever since the first game. The series has evolved well over the years, and the absolute best, in my humble opinion at least, has to be Battlefield 2. When I learned that Battlefield 3 would return to premise of the second while taking with it the improvements made in the Bad Company series, I was overjoyed. With Battlefield 3 I would return to the PC as well, after taking a non-PC detour with the Bad Company duology on the Xbox 360.

I became less enthusiastic when faced with the prospect of having to deal with EA's origin. Still, I would wager that it is worth it.
That said, I haven't actually gotten around to pick up a copy of Battlefield 3 yet, but it will happen future. I paid for a copy of Battlefield Vietnam (underrated!), so I most likely will for Battlefield 3.

And if the Bad Company 2 multiplayer is any indication of what I can expect in Battlefield 3, then I will spend a large amount of time on BF3.

That said, the opponent in this bout is formidable as well. Another sequel which does much the same as its predecessor. Which it then surpasses and in the end it quite frankly proceeds to blow Arkham Asylum away.

The villains, the setting, the voice, the gameplay; it all adds up to what can be described as continuity porn, fan service, nostalgia fuel and awesomesauce.
A sequel which manages to improve on an already great game is rare indeed these days, and it seems that Rocksteady pulled it off without breaking much of a sweat.

I must confess that I am a fanboy when it comes to B:AC though. As far as superheroes are concerned, Batman is my favorite. On top of that the voice cast is that of the Animated Series which I watched religiously when growing up in the early nineties (thus starting my affair with things Batman related). Hearing Kevin Conroy as the Bats, and Mark Hamill as the Joker is a treat indeed, moreso because I am playing the Batman voiced by Conroy and I get to fight Hamill's Joker. And top the villain fest off, they decided to include Mr. Freeze based on TAS' "Heart of Ice" as well! Maurice Lamarche voicing one of the most tragic villains ever to grace the world of Batman? Hell yeah!

Needless to say: I simply loved every minute of it. So much in fact, that I finished my first game 100%, immediatly proceeding to jump into the harder new game+ which I basically destroyed in a couple of days.

That said, B:AC is not without its flaws. The plot can be quite hard to follow, especially with so many side-characters and events thrown in the mix. The main story seems less contained than the one from B:AA. Perhaps this was intentional as well, so to throw off both the Bat and the player so they wouldn't guess what was really going on right until the end. Once you reach the Bioshock-esque punchline of the Joker's last laugh, and all the pieces fall into place, you cannot help but wonder how you could not have picked up on the clues. Then again, the worlds greatest detective didn't see it coming either, so the player immersion is complete. So is the extended, if somehwat convoluted, plot really that much of a flaw?

Which brings me to the hard point of this TL;DR post: The as of yet not played BF3 which will keep me and my friends busy for months to come, reliving the wonderful gameplay,situations and fun from ages past?

Or the singleplayer event of the year -sorry Skyrim- based on a franchise which holds a special place in my heart?

You don't have to consult Oracle on this one, Batman: Arkham City it is.
Batman hands down. Query: wouldn't BF3 be better suited to face off against MW3? Or is MW3 even in the running for GOTY?
Continuing on with the Semi-Finals!


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