Community Choice Game of the Year Showdown!

usaglory said:

Two posts, no profile. I smell foul play.

I'd say Skyward Sword.

Reasons being:
Good story, new approach to an old formula, bug-free (or at least not as buggy) and if a Wii was cheap over here, I would get one to play it right away, whereas I will wait for Skyrim's GotY edition.
This should have been the final. I feel bad for Zelda, seeing how the Japanese sales figures weren't that good (for a Zelda game anyway) and how everybody and their moms are gonna vote for Skyrim. I might regret this, then again maybe not. So fuck it, I'll vote for Zelda.
Skyrim because of the two games its the one that actually has a ending that doesn't have to do with saving some bitch who doesn't put out.
my vote shouldn't count coz i aint played either of them. but i still say Skyrim because i find all these glitches videos and jokes and the like thoroughly entertaining.

i do intend to buy it soon tho.

like i said, i'm fine if you dont count the vote.

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