College Football/BCS

Yes, it is that time of year. Where people come out of the wood works to complain about something they barely understand and have absolutely no interest in other than criticism.

College Football Bowl Season, and the BCS selection system.

Match ups, for those interested:

Now, I myself am rather a fan of the system. I think it puts a lot more energy into seasons than would exist with a playoff system. For the past few years, I've thought they did a pretty decent job as far as getting things close. This year however, the system is finally starting to show cracks.

Looking down that list, there is only one match that was appropriately selected, and that would be the Rose Bowl (one of the few times AQ's have done their job). The rest however, is leading to one huge disaster of a bowl season.

I could gripe for hours on this, and over the next few weeks, probably will. I'll start with the point that is getting at me most though.

Alabama, playing for a National Championship. Boise State (#7) was denied a BCS bowl berth, on the grounds that they failed to win their conference championship. Considering Alabama didn't even play for theirs, I fail to see that as a valid argument.

And the Sugar Bowl...seriously? Virginia Tech vs. Michigan? That one will undoubtedly receive the vote for dud of the year. Stanford kicked the crap out of VT in the Orange Bowl last year, and you'll likely see Michigan do the same this year.

So, thoughts, comments, discussion, criticism, flames? Anyone actually attend a college that is bowl bound this year?

PS: As a Southern Californian, I feel absolutely obligated to beg. Matt Barkely, one more year! USC National Champs next year.
My parents are wisconsin alums. My dad wants to go to the rose bowl, my mom does not. decisions, decisions.
Hey i'm happy my cyclones made a bowl but its in new york which means i am too broke to make make the trip from iowa
Gunner37 said:
Hey i'm happy my cyclones made a bowl but its in new york which means i am too broke to make make the trip from iowa

Iowa State is everything that is right with college football this year.

I caught two games of theirs on the television this season, and both were absolutely terrific. The triple overtime game versus Iowa was a great game to start the season. Knocking off #2 Oklahoma State though, the way they did, and with a Freshman QB, was probably one of the best games of this season though. Way better then the 9-6 OT snoozer between Alabama and LSU.

Better luck next year UCLA.
UCLA had their best shot with USC being on sanctions this season. Considering Arizona already brought in a quality coach this season, Arizona State still has an opening, Utah will be better adjusted to the conference next season, and Colorado couldn't get any worse, UCLA is a likely contender for the bottom of the bucket.
So long Eriickson! Well, as a ASU fan, it's been another fun season of yelling at my TV...again.

BSU in Vegas? Yeah, that'll be fun.
Mainly because there aren't enough hours in a day for me to properly be able to list everything I loathe about the BCS, let alone enough enough hours before work, I will go the short and sweet route.

Screw the BCS.

To elaborate, Imagine all of the memories we would be robbed of in March Madness if college basketball had a BCS type system.

Think about the wild card in professional sports and what it has done. Take away the wild card and those memories as well.

This isn't even touching the fact that the rating system itself is so heavily flawed, what it takes into account in the numbers and what it doesn't, etc.

The only reason that the BCS still exists is because it is extremely profitable and Americans are greedy.
I would go nuts for a playoff, and I think it would greatly improve the sport, but my biggest problem with the current system is that there have been COUNTLESS days since the final week of the season and there's been no football. The fucking championship game isn't for another 2 weeks or whatever. Just ridiculous.

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