Best game ever.

Jazz Jackrabbit 2 was better imo. My favorite game is Super Mario RPG. The first rpg I played and it brought nice depth in Mario universe.
Kotor is rubbish. I recently played it because i heard it was good. Installed it and after 20 mins i quit the game. I came back a few days later to give it another chance, but ended up uninstalling it after 10 minutes of stupid combat.
I agree with lokness, Kotor isnt that great.
Controls are shit, combat is shit, the choices you get ingame are nice, but most are far between. There are far better RPGs, I mean REAL RPGs.
TheVaultDweller said:
I agree with lokness, Kotor isnt that great.
Controls are s***, combat is s***, the choices you get ingame are nice, but most are far between. There are far better RPGs, I mean REAL RPGs.

Would you care to list some of these "REAL" rpgs?
LawnGnome said:
TheVaultDweller said:
I agree with lokness, Kotor isnt that great.
Controls are s***, combat is s***, the choices you get ingame are nice, but most are far between. There are far better RPGs, I mean REAL RPGs.

Would you care to list some of these "REAL" rpgs?
Probably for my favourite game of all time would have to be my beloved: S.T.A.L.K.E.R: Shadow of Chernobyl - thought clear sky is coming along as being quite awesome, though I am not that far into it atm.
F***ing love Stalker, despite the fact that it scares me, lots.
Jedi Knight jedi academy had better sword play then KOTOR. mix that with KOTOR3 and you got a perfect game.

Anyhow, the Neverwinter Nights trilogy sets itself apart for me. Gripping story, and much darker then RPG's of the now a days. I mean, what other games have Slavery (even child salvery!) Plagues, Prostitution(male and female), rape(not by you), abusive governmental power, a fatal love story, light humor/dark humor, religious and anti-religious rantings, slaughtering of children, threatening children, blood, guts, genocide, moral choices, zombies, and fan service (jiggling polygonal boobs!) all in one package.
Well, I consider Kotor a pretty good RPG, even with those weak spots; the ending just kicks ass (evil ending).
Still, the big RPG boys would be, as I see them, among the best game I've ever played:
Fallout 1 & 2
Planescape Torment
Arcanum, even with its huge flaws
The Witcher
Baldurs Gate II, in a smaller measure

There might be a few more I cant recall, but Im talking about games that offer choices in the storyline, that get you thinking: what would my character do in a situation like this? Those got to be the moments I love the most in a game, not that there are lots...
TheVaultDweller said:
Well, I consider Kotor a pretty good RPG, even with those weak spots; the ending just kicks ass (evil ending).
Still, the big RPG boys would be, as I see them, among the best game I've ever played:
Fallout 1 & 2
Planescape Torment
Arcanum, even with its huge flaws
The Witcher
Baldurs Gate II, in a smaller measure

There might be a few more I cant recall, but Im talking about games that offer choices in the storyline, that get you thinking: what would my character do in a situation like this? Those got to be the moments I love the most in a game, not that there are lots...

Going to replay The Witcher with the Ultimate Edition? I bought it a few days before they announced the update so I've been holding off.

ON-TOPIC: I've logged more hours on Civ2 than any other game, so I usually say it's my favorite. It was just so endlessly addictive. I'm not positive I ever beat it on a respectable difficulty setting without cheating in some way or another, but damn I loved that game. Spore's Space stage channels a small part of Civ2's old charm which is probably why I haven't played anything else since it came out.
Damn right Im gonna play The Wicher enhanced!
Can't wait to see if that lulztastic dialogue of "success? - smash it! - I knew it would work!" is still around.
About the game seriously, its one of the best rpgs to show up in a LONG time. The setting just kicks ass, its very nice to see a realistic middle age setting with mature content, as opposed to most of D&D's looks, not to mention all those shitty jrpgs.
Witcher enhanced sucks... Its the same as before...
dialogue is still fractioned as hell, loading times have improved only slightly
How I fucking hate HYPE!!
Sam and Max Hit the Road.
Unbelievably funny, and was created in the golden age of LucasArts.
One of the greatest adventure games ever created, and is up there with the first 3 Monkey Island games (Especially Curse of Monkey Island)

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