Best death ever


What the best death in any video game? For me it's gotta be the neck snap kill from Hulk in Resident Evil 4 when he shoots the guy an stuns 'em and then it says to press X to snap the neck and he does it. It's so amazing. but yeah what's the best death in any game for you? It can be current or old school whatever you decide.
Accidental leap of faith gone wrong in Assassin's Creed. Yes, you can mess those up and its quite hilarious once done. Although technically its not a death, since you just get desynchronised from Altair.

I think half the crazy things I used to do in Postal 2 made good deaths. Nothing like shoving a cat on the end of shotgun and firing off rounds at burning catholic school girls, then politely hosing them down and sterilizing the gun shot wounds with some hot wee.
Falling into water in GTA3/Vice City. :(

EDIT: Bailing out of car and sending vehicle full of passengers into water in GTA3/Vice City. :)
cerebral bore from turok 2. it grinds their brains out then blows their heads up!
they're evil dinosaurs so its ok to do it too.
There is a scene in Army of Two where some special forces guy jumps out of the jungle, kills a couple people and then finishes the last guy off with a really nasty double eye gouge to death move. Also the original Manhunt third level crowbar kill. The sound effects were really, really unsettling.
Hmm, Dr. Breen being shredded into millions of bits in HL2 comes to mind....And Monster Deaths in Shadow of the Colossus are worth a mention

The best group deaths would be building a loop launch roller coaster without enough track and send 16 guests flying to their doom in Roller Coaster Tycoon... or drowning the stupid entertainers in masse.

Guest 23415 has died on Steel Roller Coaster 2!

Guest 94563 has died on Steel Roller Coaster 2!

Entertainer 2 has drowned!
The guy who falls from the sky in the middle of a road for using a Scroll of Icarian Flight in Elders scroll 3. It boosts your jumping skill by 1000, so you can jump incredibly long distances. It only lasts ten seconds, so if your jump lasts more than ten seconds, the landing kills you. Now you understand why the guy just fell from the sky with no explanation.
Any of those Assassin Creed counter attack moves. They work great with the flow of combat and defense and are pulled off nicely.
Diablo 2 Exp, when Baal rips apart the gate keeper guy from the inside.

Atlantis -The Lost Tales-, when Melgance "epic fails" to push you off the ship, and falls to the earth himself. :D
once pulled off a double head shot with the barret in cod4

also, in oblivion, shooting the loving fan off of dive rock and watching him fall, and fall, and fall

and when i was younger i used to love those rollercoaster tyoon kills, and fires in the sims
In Medal of Honor where when you shoot some soldiers in their legs and begin crawling or if they're begging for their life lolz.
I'd say Aeris deserves a mention for being killed so unexpectedly and gruesomely by Sephiroth.

My best death was in the Project Reality mod for BF2, playing online. As a member of the Taliban, I followed a British helicopter full of enemy infantry in a motorbike (with a member of my squad riding behind me) to which I'd strapped C4. As soon as the helicopter came in low to drop off troops I hit a dune, jumped up behind it and rammed it with the bike and we all exploded in a gigantic fireball. Now, I'm an American, and raised Christian, but yelling Allah Akbar into the mic with my squad-mate was so incredibly hilarious while drunk at 3 am that I'll never forget it.
in bioshock, when u light a dead body on fire and use the telekinesis plasmid to throw it at other enemies
when people would get set on fire in the sims that was always hilarious, especially when u were playing with a friend and it was their character that just got set on fire
and although its not really a death, i find it very funny to t-bag dead people in halo

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