Why Genre do you play the most?


Everyone Wears a Mask
All of this back and forth between the GRians, about the Ohio killings of animals, Occupy Wallstreet, the troop drawn down, Religion, blah blah blah - makes me wonder - What type of games do you guys frequently play and what is your favorite Genre. I'm not trying to draw any conclusions off of it, but I'm just curious about personal tastes.

Favorite Genre:
2nd Favorite Genre:
All Time Favorite Game & Why:
Game most played (All-Time):
Favorite Current Release:
Game currently playing the most:
First game you ever completed:

Favorite Genre:
2nd Favorite Genre: Strategy
All Time Favorite Game & Why: FFVII - (isnt it obvious) Got Attached to the Chars, and the music.
Favorite Current Release: L.A. Noire
Game Currently Playing the most: LBP2
First Game you ever completed: Roger Wilco: Space Quest 5 - The Next Mutation
without the THICK book that accompanied my copy of the game - I'd still be trying to figure it out.
Ha, your topics of recent days are belters!

Favorite Genre: RPG
2nd Favorite Genre: Platformers
All Time Favorite Game & Why: Wind Waker - It's such a light hearted, happy game. And it always makes me want to go on an adventure.
Game most played (All-Time): Probably Ocarina of Time...I imagine I'm not the only one who could probably complete it with my eyes closed. Rainbow Islands cant be far off though, but obsession with that was more when I was younger
Favorite Current Release: Limbo. Seriously, I've completed it like 10 times by now and I still love it.
Game currently playing the most: Forza 3 - gotta get those leveling achievements ;)
First game you ever completed: Space Invaders for the Amiga is the earliest I remember....it was a glorious day.
Favorite Genre: FPS (co-op :p)
2nd Favorite Genre: Action/Adventure
All Time Favorite Game & Why: I honestly can't decide. Halo 2 and Jet Set Radio Future are up there though.
Game most played (All-Time): Halo 2/MW2 Spec-Ops
Favorite Current Release: Skylanders
Game currently playing the most: Ace Combat: Assault Horizon
First game you ever completed: Halo 2
MattAY said:
Favorite Current Release: Limbo. Seriously, I've completed it like 10 times by now and I remember....it was a glorious day.

Dude, Thats the ONLY Xbox exclusive I wish I could play.. =(

LBP user created levels try to imitate it, but I'm pretty sure I'm missing out on a lot!
Favorite Genre:Strategy
2nd Favorite Genre: Western RPG
All Time Favorite Game & Why: Morrowind, reasons previously stated.
Game most played (All-Time): Rome Total War probably
Favorite Current Release: Shogun total war 2
Game currently playing the most: Gran Turismo 5
First game you ever completed: Mechwarrior 2 Jade Falcon Campaign
Favorite Genre: Action/Platformer
2nd Favorite Genre: RPG (vague, I know)
All Time Favorite Game & Why: Final Fantasy Tactics for its rich setting and party-building, job system, all that.
Game most played (All-Time): Tetris, ya heard.
Favorite Current Release: Like current generation? Mass Effect 1 probably.
Game currently playing the most: The last few weeks has been all about Deus Ex: Human Revolution, but I've also been playing NCAA 12 since launch.
First game you ever completed: Probably Mortal Kombat 2. I was way into fighting games when I was younger, not at all anymore.
Favorite Genre: Action/Adventure
2nd Favorite Genre: Shooter
All Time Favorite Game & Why: Star Fox 64 because of replayability and brevity
Game Most Played (All-time): That's tough... I move in between games quite a bit... I once played a single game of marathon tetris for 5 days straight (not every second of every day though)... probably tetris.
Favorite Current Release: Batman: Arkham City
Game Currently Playing the most: Dark Souls
First Game you ever completed:Kirby's Dream Land followed quickly by Mega Man 3 (both for the Game Boy)
Favorite Genre: FPS (Actually, RPG too...)
2nd Favorite Genre: Strategy
All Time Favorite Game & Why: Hrm, tough question... Fallout 3, I suppose. I love the original Fallout games, and they did nothing but improve upon the formula for Fallout 3.
Game most played (All-Time): If I had to say the game I've sunk the most hours in, World of Warcraft, and I'd have to say, it got worse when they released Worgen... I like wolves, can you tell?
Favorite Current Release: Rage
Game currently playing the most: Minecraft (Why am I playing this?!)
First game you ever completed: Don't remember, I think it was on the C64 though or the Atari... it might have been Pitfall.
Favorite Genre:It's a tie between FPS and RPGs
2nd Favorite Genre: Strategy games
All Time Favorite Game & Why: Deus Ex... the first one. It made me think what games were capable of in the art of storytelling and gameplay. Oddly enough, I've never played Human Revolution.
Game most played (All-Time): Morrowind on the PC. I wanted to get back to it but I might have to do it with mods.
Favorite Current Release: Fallout: New Vegas... but I haven't touched it in a long time.
Game currently playing the most: Minecraft... *cough*
First game you ever completed: Super Mario Bros. 3.
Favorite Genre:
RPG probably.

2nd Favorite Genre:
Action/Adventure, I guess.

All Time Favorite Game & Why:

Game most played (All-Time):
Probably San Andreas, with at least 6 playthroughs at 50+ hours apiece. Though maybe Oblivion, though I doubt it.

Favorite Current Release:
Dark Souls

Game currently playing the most:
Dark Souls

First game you ever completed:
One of the old PS1 platformers, like Gex or Crash.
Favorite Genre: Action/Adventure
2nd Favorite Genre: Simulation/Strategy

All Time Favorite Game & Why: Rainbow Six: Rogue Spear. I am a tedious person, I love intricately involved plans and great attention to detail. The capability to fully map out a plan and put it in work, along with the capability to micromanage all the details as well as manage things on the fly if they go bad, yeah, that is me right there. I understand that museum may be huge, packed full of 30 heavily armed terrorists. But with 8 men (and the occasional woman) and 3 points of entry, I'm going to have this place entirely locked down in a minute 30 flat.

Game most played (All-Time): Madden/NCAA Franchise/Dynasty Mode (collective over several titles, sunk more hours into it than several other favorites combined)

Favorite Current Release: Mortal Kombat (absolutely awesome reboot)

Game currently playing the most: NCAA Football '10 (X360 but my copy is about to break!!!)

First game you ever completed: I honestly don't know. Probably Contra though with my brother.
Favorite Genre: Action/Adventure

2nd Favorite Genre: Puzzle and Platformer games

All Time Favorite Game & Why: This is a hard one.. Let's say Okami. Wonderful artstyle, fun gameplay, lenghty and one of the games that made me immersed in it's world.

Game Most Played (All-time): Pokemon Gold, So many playthroughs with each one clocking over 100 hours.

Favorite Current Release: God of War Collection Origins. Never played them on psp and I love God of War.

Game Currently Playing the most: Well I just started Professor Layton and the Last Specter, so I guess it's that one.

First Game you ever completed: Mickey Mania is the first one I remember, mainly because of the bullshit final boss. Why won't you die already!?!!?

Favorite Genre:

2nd Favorite Genre: probably FPS

All Time Favorite Game & Why: hmm... it's either going to be Knights of the Old Republic or Indiana Jones and the Fate of Atlantis. KOTOR because it's probably the best star wars game ever made, and actually had a compelling story and great gameplay. Indiana Jones because the old Lucas Arts adventure games are probably the best adventure games ever made. I have fond childhood memories of that game, and have beaten it numerous times. Hell, the game was actually ahead of it's time in that there were multiple paths to completion: 3 separate story lines you could take based on personal preference, each of them excellent.

Game most played (All-Time): This would probably have to be Guild Wars. I've got somewhere between 2500 and 3500 hours logged on that baby. I quit though a few years ago, and let a friend use my account, which then got it banned. But that's ok, I'm glad because it forced me to move onto other and much better games.

Favorite Current Release: Well, this is probably Football Manager 2012. I haven't played it much yet, since it just came out, but trust me, I will. Right now I'm focusing on clearing out my library a bit in preparation of new releases. Just beat Fallout: New Vegas, working on Just Cause 2, and have a few more races in Dirt 2 to complete.

Game currently playing the most: For the next few days, Just Cause 2. Then either Dirt 2 or Back To The Future. Haven't decided yet.

First game you ever completed: Star Wars: Dark Forces. Probably one of the best FPS games to come out in the 1990s. Great story, varied environments, and led to probably the best and most developed non-movie character of the franchise: Kyle Katarn.
Favorite Genre: Turn based Strategy.
2nd Favorite Genre: RPG
All Time Favorite Game & Why: TES IV: Oblivion it was just so damn big and full of stuff.
Game most played (All-Time): Sid Meyer’s Civilization IV
Favorite Current Release: Pokemon: Black
Game currently playing the most: Pokemon: Black
First game you ever completed: A text adventure, who’s name I can’t remember, on my Commodore 64. Or in the early 70’s Tic-Tac-Toe on a minicomputer at Southwest Missouri State College’s science and engineering open house, I won. :D
Favorite Genre: Action/Adventure I prefer the most
2nd Favorite Genre: FPS or any other kind of shooters.
All Time Favorite Game & Why: None yet. I play all different types of games.
Game most played (All-Time): Legend of Zelda: A Link To The Past
Favorite Current Release: Batman: Arkham City
Game currently playing the most: Batman: Arkham City
First game you ever completed: Super Mario Bros NES

Favorite Genre: Action/Adventure
2nd Favorite Genre: First Person Shooter & RPG
All Time Favorite Game & Why: 1998 was a big year for me. I was then 17 and starting to separate from gaming. Two games brought me back. Ocarina of Time and Metal Gear Solid. OoT is just fun, it's simple yet challenging. MGS was serious and I felt like I was watching a movie. Both games pulled me in, made me care about the characters and the story. I remember spending a ton of time playing them with my little brother.
Game most played (All-Time): MGS2, 100% dog tags, bi-atches.
Favorite Current Release: Red Dead Redemption
Game currently playing the most: Deus Ex: HR
First game you ever completed: Super Mario Bros.
Bretimus_v2 said:
First game you ever completed: Super Mario Bros.

I still have never beaten the original. Kind of bothers me, but I'd rather not waste my free time accomplishing something that I might not be able to do. Honestly, I was never really that good at mario.

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