Best Game ever. Any system, any year, any game.

Zelda: Ocarina of Time. !! tons of never before seen ideas + the classical wonderful storyline + Zelda Style = Best game ever

Second!! Tetris. a Never gets boring Puzzler. always challenging. always fun..
Can someone please tell me what is so great about Ocarina of Time? I've never played it.
That's the one with the cel shaded graphics isn't it?
Oh and by the way, KOTOR is an absoloutley amazing game.
dude the question should be wot is NOT so great about ocarina - and the answer is NOTHING!

and the cel shaded one is wind waker. ocarinas the n64 one....the popular n64 one.

its just an awesome game, u need to play it.
probs shouldnt buy it off ebay then.

and i used to think wind waker was better...but i grew up with ocarina - dont think anything will beat it.
^ I'd have a hard time choosing between Wind Waker and Ocarina of Time...they were both great in their own ways. I can't help but think that if Wind Waker had offered a little bit more (maybe a couple more dungeons, I don't know), that that would have caused me to like it more than OOT. But as things are, they're pretty much tied.

Oh, and my favorite game of all time is probably Castlevania Symphony of the Night. Just sooo many good memories, only FF7 would compare.
Fair enough! I love that everyone has their own personal tastes. Makes life worth living. I mean, it would be really boring if almost everyone *cough* picked, I dunno, a Zelda game say, as their favorite game. *cough* :D

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