Best death ever

in the just cause demo i would just let my character fall and not deploy his parachute. i hated him.

super mariokart (SNES) me and my bro are in battle mode. he has a feather i have a red shell. we each have one balloon. i pull up behind him thinking the game was over i fire the red shell, he jumps up with the feather, the shell goes under him, attempts to go in a circle for another pass, and hits me in the arse. FAIL.

the "blood squirting out the neck" death animations from turok dinosaur hunter 1.
The Death scenes from 'Golden Eye'/'Perfect Dark 64'. BUT i will have to say the death scenes from 'Fallout 2'. seeing someone ripped apart from a mini-gun is beautiful but disgusting at the same point......sooo much blood with chunks.
Chief Scalpem's death in Sunset Riders because of the unintentionally funny SNES audio that follows his "death".

(A young woman runs to Scalpem's side.)
"Please! Please! Don't shoot my brother! He's only following orders!"
"All right, ma'am. We won't shoot him."

Also Starfox for the SNES. Having an animal-buddy's ship go down on screen was both perversely sad and hilarious to watch.

I (we) quote both games all the time amongst friends.

"Doo ba doom got oom" = "good luck" in Starfox speak

"All right, ma'am. We wonshooemmm" = Sunset riders SNES speak

you'd have to of played both games to get it >_< (which we did)

Shooting fish at the lake before you head out in the boat the first time in Resident Evil 4.

Getting a faceful of acid from those bug things in the sewers when your health is low enough for it to kill you in Resident Evil 4.

Deaths by chainsaw in Resident Evil 4.

Getting your head munched off in Resident Evil 4.

What can I say? RE4 had some damned awesome deaths.

Stealing from the shop in The Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening and then returning to the shop.
Mercenaries 2: parking two trucks on one side of a bridge so the cars pile up then calling in a carpet bomb on the entire bridge. A thing of beauty

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