Best death ever

GhostTrip said:
1. WTF is GOW? I keep thinking God of War, but there are no guns in that game

2. Funnier isn't a word

3. Don't make up things, we won't get it because this is the internet; serious buisness.
Gears of War perhaps?
HK-47 said:
GhostTrip said:
1. WTF is GOW? I keep thinking God of War, but there are no guns in that game

2. Funnier isn't a word

3. Don't make up things, we won't get it because this is the internet; serious buisness.
Gears of War perhaps?

*slaps forehead* Ohhhhh
yea i just remember how kratos brutally stuck his hand on the one of cyclops..ewww
I like Luis death in resident evil 4. You hear a little poke sound, and then that monster arm thing goes through his stomach with a brutal sound.
Fallout 2, shooting the leg off a kid with the gauze pistol at 200% small weapons efficiency. Fallout 2 criticals were awsome in general. Also the original MK1 fatality with Sub-Zero arcade version (rip your head off with the spinal column attached and dripping blood and the Force kill in Psi-Ops where you use mind control to have the AI blow there own brains out (it's just funny that they scream no..stop,stop before pulling the trigger on themselves.
Assassins Creed had a lot of great deaths.
But i think the best has to be MGS3 when you kill The Fury.
Thats hilarious stuff.
pvc said:
Assassins Creed had a lot of great deaths.
But i think the best has to be MGS3 when you kill The Fury.
Thats hilarious stuff.

That unnessecary suicide death? I agree. I also found The Fears death pretty funny.
Any kill with the fiber wire in the Hitman series. I especially enjoyed watching 47 hoist someone over his shoulder and strangle the target with his or her own body weight...brutal. :D

Incidentally, I also liked stalking and systematically killing people in the Thermal Bath Hotel level in Hitman: Contracts. I'd let the cleaning staff find the bodies, then start killing off security personnel. Finally, I'd stalk the guests one by one. :twisted:
Ok pretty much every Metal Gear Boss battle death is the best lol.

they are all so ridiculous!
Hitting the enemy with a grenade in CoD Modern Warfare... That's right, the grenade doesn't explode. It just smacks and kills...
Falling off a building in Spiderman 2,it is hilarious with the rag doll physics.and getting your head cut off by the chainsaw guy in RE4.and any fatalities from the MK series

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