Are you a virgin?


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Dobby2244 said:
uh whats that gotta do with anything?

The fact you're calling people arguing with your boy toy dumb buts when, a straight edge person generally rebels against drugs, alcohol, etc etc when people who rebel usually fuel their rebellious nature with said items. Ergo, your boyfriend is rebelling against rebels, thus making him a "dumb-but". (According to them mind you. I personally think he *CAN* be (not always is ;) ) a "dumb-but" for other reasons entirely.)
you know.. I really could care less what you think about jared, you insulting him doesnt make me change my opinion at all.. and he doesnt care.. so why do yall continuously do it? Its his choice not to do drugs, drink, have sex with random girls.. i would prefer him to be like that anyways.. you dont have to be so mean.. SORRY I DECIDED NOT TO COME TO CANADA TO DRINK AND YOU RAPE ME COLIN, sorry that the majority of yall are just jealous since im going out with what you think as a douchebag, hes the sweetest boy ive ever met, and this is gonna be my last post on the boards for serious.. Im just sick of everyones bullshit and i dont need to post on here for the rest of my life.. people bitching at my boyfriend. I never said anything bad about anyones relationship on here, you should atleast have the decency to do the same.. Most of yall act like your so grown up.. if you really were, you would let this go.. Hm okay byebye.

BYE RAINEY<3, Jared<33
Guys, seriously, I'm tired of the Jared shit too. It's a messageboard, he has every right to act how he wants, and I'm sure he's not taking seriously at all. Whoo-hoo, I'm straight-edge, i must be a fucktard too. This boards just slowly dying away. I don't like it to, but it is. And I'll stil talk to you on aim and myspace kt í¢â„¢Â¥
Dobby2244 said:
you know.. I really could care less what you think about jared, you insulting him doesnt make me change my opinion at all.. and he doesnt care.. so why do yall continuously do it? Its his choice not to do drugs, drink, have sex with random girls.. i would prefer him to be like that anyways.. you dont have to be so mean.. SORRY I DECIDED NOT TO COME TO CANADA TO DRINK AND YOU RAPE ME COLIN, sorry that the majority of yall are just jealous since im going out with what you think as a douchebag, hes the sweetest boy ive ever met, and this is gonna be my last post on the boards for serious.. Im just sick of everyones number 2 and i dont need to post on here for the rest of my life.. people bitching at my boyfriend. I never said anything bad about anyones relationship on here, you should atleast have the decency to do the same.. Most of yall act like your so grown up.. if you really were, you would let this go.. Hm okay byebye.

BYE RAINEY<3, Jared<33

Aww, man. :cry:

Bye, Dobby, at least I'll miss you. :oops:
Dobby2244 said:
you know.. I really could care less what you think about jared, you insulting him doesnt make me change my opinion at all.. and he doesnt care.. so why do yall continuously do it? Its his choice not to do drugs, drink, have sex with random girls.. i would prefer him to be like that anyways.. you dont have to be so mean.. SORRY I DECIDED NOT TO COME TO CANADA TO DRINK AND YOU RAPE ME COLIN, sorry that the majority of yall are just jealous since im going out with what you think as a douchebag, hes the sweetest boy ive ever met, and this is gonna be my last post on the boards for serious.. Im just sick of everyones number 2 and i dont need to post on here for the rest of my life.. people bitching at my boyfriend. I never said anything bad about anyones relationship on here, you should atleast have the decency to do the same.. Most of yall act like your so grown up.. if you really were, you would let this go.. Hm okay byebye.

BYE RAINEY<3, Jared<33

I don't understand how this topic on virginity turned into you and Jared. But in all honesty, Jared is just easy to pick on and a lot of people pick on him because he is over opinionated and refuses to see things from a different point of view. I personally don't have a problem with him, it's just that he doesn't care about what he says and it doesn't come across well with others here who debate with him. I think the biggest example I can think of is music. Yeah, it can go overboard but everything here does. I'm sure if Shane or Powerful Roger were still here they'd be easy targets for jokes and ridicule.

It's sad to see you go, but if you don't like the continuous jokes about Jared then I guess it's the best move. Why come to a place you dislike?

I agree on this place dying. Ever since the change to the new boards, I've noticed a lack in posters and topics. I hardly ever see NES man, Frozen, Hex, Dave Matthews or Particle man post. Maybe this is just a dead phase? It's happened before.

Find it interesting for such a topic to be posted, it's logical as well. Personally I am, I choose to be and have been given oppourtunities, ..Over time I guess i've just learned to appreciate virginity as a whole, atleast that's how I see it. :?:
Dobby2244 said:
you know.. I really could care less what you think about jared, you insulting him doesnt make me change my opinion at all.. and he doesnt care.. so why do yall continuously do it? Its his choice not to do drugs, drink, have sex with random girls.. i would prefer him to be like that anyways.. you dont have to be so mean.. SORRY I DECIDED NOT TO COME TO CANADA TO DRINK AND YOU RAPE ME COLIN, sorry that the majority of yall are just jealous since im going out with what you think as a douchebag, hes the sweetest boy ive ever met, and this is gonna be my last post on the boards for serious.. Im just sick of everyones number 2 and i dont need to post on here for the rest of my life.. people bitching at my boyfriend. I never said anything bad about anyones relationship on here, you should atleast have the decency to do the same.. Most of yall act like your so grown up.. if you really were, you would let this go.. Hm okay byebye.

BYE RAINEY<3, Jared<33

Lol wtf?

I just said I think he can be stupid for other reasons, not for his straight edge behaviour. Learn to read. You asked why he was called a "dumb-but" so I told you, now you're telling us to grow up...*blink*
Also...Everyone can be stupid at times. I can be...Lawrence can be...God you should see the shit he says to me on msn! Relax...
Dobby2244 said:
you know.. I really could care less what you think about jared, you insulting him doesnt make me change my opinion at all.. and he doesnt care.. so why do yall continuously do it? Its his choice not to do drugs, drink, have sex with random girls.. i would prefer him to be like that anyways.. you dont have to be so mean.. SORRY I DECIDED NOT TO COME TO CANADA TO DRINK AND YOU RAPE ME COLIN, sorry that the majority of yall are just jealous since im going out with what you think as a douchebag, hes the sweetest boy ive ever met, and this is gonna be my last post on the boards for serious.. Im just sick of everyones number 2 and i dont need to post on here for the rest of my life.. people bitching at my boyfriend. I never said anything bad about anyones relationship on here, you should atleast have the decency to do the same.. Most of yall act like your so grown up.. if you really were, you would let this go.. Hm okay byebye.

BYE RAINEY<3, Jared<33

It's couldn't care less first of all, if you could care less then it says you care at least a little bit.

Now onto the real meat of it, calm down. If this stuff really doesn't bother you then why make a large post about it? If you truly didn't care you'd just let it slide. And as WR said, I just think he's a 'dumb-butt' for other reasons, if he (or anyone else) wants to be a straight edge then that's fine, go for it, all the power to you, just don't go saying everyone who isn't a straight edge is wrong and killing themselves etc.

So, I guess this is goodbye until your next post.

Dobby2244 said:
you know.. I really could care less what you think about jared, you insulting him doesnt make me change my opinion at all.. and he doesnt care.. so why do yall continuously do it? Its his choice not to do drugs, drink, have sex with random girls.. i would prefer him to be like that anyways.. you dont have to be so mean.. SORRY I DECIDED NOT TO COME TO CANADA TO DRINK AND YOU RAPE ME COLIN, sorry that the majority of yall are just jealous since im going out with what you think as a douchebag, hes the sweetest boy ive ever met, and this is gonna be my last post on the boards for serious.. Im just sick of everyones number 2 and i dont need to post on here for the rest of my life.. people bitching at my boyfriend. I never said anything bad about anyones relationship on here, you should atleast have the decency to do the same.. Most of yall act like your so grown up.. if you really were, you would let this go.. Hm okay byebye.

BYE RAINEY<3, Jared<33

I agree, its gettin old every topic turns into people bashing jared.heh.

But on the the other note, i aint a virgin.
downwitdaclown69 said:
every topic turns into people bashing jared.heh.

Well, it's not every topic.. But do you think there might be a reason why he does get bashed a lot? We've all built up our reputations around here. The GM's and mods didn't just randomly assign some people here as jerk-offs, it's how we expressed ourselves in our posts that gives off our impression to others. Take a look at Raine, why doesn't anybody insult this guy for being sXe?

You're not the biggest fan of me DWDC, so I guess that is YOUR fault for not liking me? If it's one thing I learned on GI Joe, it's that the blame game never solved anything! Dear God, I miss that show :cry:

Um, anyways, Jared always leaves himself open for a jab, but I was going to start holding back since so many others go in for the kill.

Long story short; Dobby should calm down, Jared should redeem himself with an open mind and Bush hates black people but loves black liquid.
^ You must've missed the "how much can you bench" topic.

As for Dobby spazzing out on us, eh. If she prefers not to hang around a message board where people make fun of her boyfriend, I understand her, and that's fine. It certainly won't make me think twice about getting a good laugh at anyone's expense here, since this is an internet message board and when I'm here, I don't take anyone seriously. If all the GR populace took each other seriously, this place would suck.

Case and point: kaan is still a dirty terrorist.

And just 'cause another poster has left, it doesn't mean the boards are dying. People have been saying these boards are dying ever since I first arrived (in late 2002, I think), and never have I understood why. It makes no sense to list off all the "greats" of the boards who don't post anymore, since most of the time these "greats" were "just another poster" when they were here... meaning that there are probably plenty of "greats" posting right now that you wouldn't even realise are so valuable to the boards until they're gone. So chill, it's not a big deal.
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