Apple unveils the....IPHONE 4S...

intoTheRain said:
what the hell do your phones do that iphones don't?

Why are you wanting an iPhone? What does an iPhone do that the other phones don't?

Not that I should have to defend my reasoning behind not wanting another iPhone but here we go...

...My iPhone crashes apps constantly. I open it, it closes right away. It locks up. It's sluggish. Apple refuses to let OS updates work on older devices so they can pigeon hole you into upgrading. The app store is heavily regulated by Apple. The phone is not open source. Customization is virtually non existent unless you jail break it which Apple says voids the warranty. I don't care for Apple's business practices. Oh and their fancy iPhone 4S that every one claims is being so innovative - It has specs that have been in Android phones for almost a year now, still lacks a bigger screen and is still not open source.

If I'm paying 200 bucks for a phone I want to be able to do what I want to it, up to and including having an illicit affair with it's SD slot. Oh yeah. Expandable memory. Another thing the iPhone doesn't have. Want more than 16GB? Buy the 300 dollar version.
i want an iphone because my blackberry is a piece of shit and they're a terrible company and it DOESN'T do the things i mentioned properly. I will cheer the day RIM announces it's finished, which i imagine is just around the corner. they deserve to fail.

i have used iPhones, and they work flawlessly, that is why i want an iPhone. i have never seen them work anyway other than perfectly.

I don't care about apps, I don't care about games, I don't care about whatever else it is "phones" do. I want to be able to use it to communicate, and that is it.

Not that I should have to defend my reasoning behind not wanting another iPhone but here we go...

it's a forum... where people discuss things.
intoTheRain said:
I don't care about apps, I don't care about games, I don't care about whatever else it is "phones" do. I want to be able to use it to communicate, and that is it.

Then why waste money on a data package and a smartphone and just get yourself a pay as you go phone?

All I'm saying is, the same can be said to you - Why an iPhone over an Android? They're both phones that serve your needs.
Lethean said:
intoTheRain said:
I don't care about apps, I don't care about games, I don't care about whatever else it is "phones" do. I want to be able to use it to communicate, and that is it.

Then why waste money on a data package and a smartphone and just get yourself a pay as you go phone?

All I'm saying is, the same can be said to you - Why an iPhone over an Android? They're both phones that serve your needs.

we've used three types of phones in my household.

an iPhone, a range of Blackberries, and an Android.

The Android had more issues than my Blackberries. It was embarrassing. Elisia had it. the thing NEVER worked. It was just plagued with crap that would go wrong with it. It was replaced, same thing.

From what I've seen from all three phones with extensive experience and not just hearing from friends (because anything you hear from a friend is usually biased), the iPhone has had 0 issues. Nothing, has worked flawless from day one, it still is as fast as the first day she turned it on.

Naturally that makes me want to go with an iPhone.
See for me, my wife's Android had issues, my iPhone had issues. My brother in law's Android has had no issues, neither has his girlfriend's (I've used them a lot, this isn't word of mouth).

The most reliable phone? WP7. Limited customization but a stable, fast OS, great camera quality and call quality. If you truly aren't just an iPhone fanboy, you'd consider and research the Samsung Focus S2 coming out and the HTC Titan. If I were to not get an Android, I would get a WP7 device.

The thing is, cellphones are like cars - Some are bound to be lemons.
@Lethean Apple has always been a closed source company, they will never become an open source vender. They can charge more that way, while claiming to be a special/better product.

Steve Jobs said:
There’s a sucker born every minute.
intoTheRain said:
I don't care about apps, I don't care about games, I don't care about whatever else it is "phones" do. I want to be able to use it to communicate, and that is it.

I use my phone for calling and texting. And it's hundreds of dollars cheaper than an iPhone. If anyone is embarrassed of their cell phone then they are merely spoiled and/or a sucker for advertisers.
WickedLiquid said:
intoTheRain said:
I don't care about apps, I don't care about games, I don't care about whatever else it is "phones" do. I want to be able to use it to communicate, and that is it.

I use my phone for calling and texting. And it's hundreds of dollars cheaper than an iPhone. If anyone is embarrassed of their cell phone then they are merely spoiled and/or a sucker for advertisers.

i should have included in that little rant i like to browse the web, a LOT. i'm a google whore. dunno? google it.
intoTheRain said:
WickedLiquid said:
intoTheRain said:
I don't care about apps, I don't care about games, I don't care about whatever else it is "phones" do. I want to be able to use it to communicate, and that is it.

I use my phone for calling and texting. And it's hundreds of dollars cheaper than an iPhone. If anyone is embarrassed of their cell phone then they are merely spoiled and/or a sucker for advertisers.

i should have included in that little rant i like to browse the web, a LOT. i'm a google whore. dunno? google it.

What's Google? :?
Apple unveiled the iPhone 4S, featuring the A5 processor for improved performance and an 8-megapixel camera capable of 1080p video. It introduces Siri, an intelligent assistant for voice commands. Despite competition with better displays and specs like the Galaxy S2, the iPhone 4S may appeal with its app selection. Visit this website for more details. Pricing starts at $199 for 16GB, aiming to maintain customer loyalty despite expectations for an iPhone 5 with larger screen and 4G support.

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