Is Just Cause 3, Rise of the Tomb Raider, Hitman worth it?


Hey everyone. So just recently, I bought a couple of titles from the Steam Sale including a pack that had JC3 and ROTT at a discount. Seizing the opportunity, I went for it and ran smack dab into the worst performance I have ever seen(JC 3 being the main culprit).

Right now my rig has a six year old quad core processor, GTX 960 Strix 2Gb and 8 gigs of ram at 900p resolution. Performance for the following games -
GTA 5 - 40-55 frames at ultra
Witcher 3 - 30 frames locked at ultra-high
DOOM - nearly 60 frames at ultra-high with weird dips

ROTT wasn't so bad as it sounds but I couldn't maintain 30 frames on the high texture settings which made my performance jump all over the place during the second level. The benchmark wasn't so forgiving either since some textures failed to load on time even on medium settings. Even read on some forums that the game gets more taxing on the geothermal levels.

Just Cause runs fine on my rig. At 800x600 with everything off. :shock:
THE STUTTERING. Sweet *insert your favorite deity here*. The stuttering.
Driving? Stutter. Shooting? Stutter. Moving in general? Stutter. Explosions? Oh. No problem. HA HA I LIED. Stutter. :twisted:

This made me give up after trying all methods of trying to fix it including going offline and updating my drivers. This just makes a mockery at my attempts to run it decently(I crashed 4 times trying to change the settings).
So I refunded them felling a bit dejected(I did get Killing Floor 2 and MGS 5 for about $16) but to cut to the chase.

So are JC3 and ROTT worth it? Regardless of platform, are they like, titles that you have to get no matter what. Or are there still issues that need to be resolved? Let me hear your views. I might be an isolated case for all I know but I'll be upgrading my rig next year tops...... at 1080p. :lol:
And yes, Hitman. Constant connectivity, drop outs, performance. Is it all worth it as well? I got a deal for about $13 dollars for the entire experience but I'm scared that I'll run into the same problems like the previous two.
Hitman is entirely worth it if you're gonna get $13 for the full experience. It's a true successor to the Blood Money game.
I like the new Hitman game. It does tremendously suck that it's episodic, but it does offer a lot of replay value. Lots of ways to eliminate your targets, lots of alternate routes, unlockables etc. If you're a fan of the Hitman games or/and its style of gameplay, then you'll certainly love this one.

I want to play Rise of the Tomb Raider but that doesn't come out on PS4 until the end of the year. Regardless, I've heard very good things about it.
I can't speak for Hitman or Just Cause 3 outside of the review, but RoTT is fantastic. Well worth the purchase. On my GTX 970 I was able to get a solid 50 FPS on Directx 12 with everything maxed out. Check out my review of RoTT. ... mb-raider/

To comment on your first post, your DOOM probably got the dips because you should lower your graphics settings. I got a solid 60 FPS maxed out without any dips at all.
cyberjim2000 said:
Hitman is entirely worth it if you're gonna get $13 for the full experience. It's a true successor to the Blood Money game.

There's a snag however. No refunds for the key once I get it :cry:

But steam is selling it for a dollar more. At least I can refund it if the performance is not good.

More than the performance, the online connectivity is bothering me a bit but it shouldn't be that much of a problem since my internet's upto snuff now. Thanks for the suggestion!
Master_Craig said:
I like the new Hitman game. It does tremendously suck that it's episodic, but it does offer a lot of replay value. Lots of ways to eliminate your targets, lots of alternate routes, unlockables etc. If you're a fan of the Hitman games or/and its style of gameplay, then you'll certainly love this one.

I want to play Rise of the Tomb Raider but that doesn't come out on PS4 until the end of the year. Regardless, I've heard very good things about it.

Good to hear that Master Craig! I'm a huge Hitman fan and I've lost count of how many times I've stealthed Contracts and Blood Money. 8)

Unfortunately I've read steam reviews saying that the performance and connectivity issues are still persistent. Once you've disconnected from the server you don't get any progress saved and all your unlocks are rendered moot.

That too it's not on sale for the moment so I guess it's a matter of waiting or I can give it a try and refund it later. :)

I really can't say much about ROTT since I only played like, the first two levels and unfortunately my rig can't seem to handle it right now and most likely I'll have to do an upgrade later on. :(
Ivory_Soul said:
I can't speak for Hitman or Just Cause 3 outside of the review, but RoTT is fantastic. Well worth the purchase. On my GTX 970 I was able to get a solid 50 FPS on Directx 12 with everything maxed out. Check out my review of RoTT. ... mb-raider/

To comment on your first post, your DOOM probably got the dips because you should lower your graphics settings. I got a solid 60 FPS maxed out without any dips at all.

Nice review! :)

Although I'm a bit bummed out that Lara doesn't have any psychological scars from the previous game and that the combat seems a bit lacking but it is really a gorgeous looking title. 8)

The main culprit would be my vram since I've read that using high textures uses more than 3 gigs. I might upgrade to Pascal later on and maybe an i5 or i7 if I've got the funds.

Yeah regarding DOOM. The framerate dipped in two main places to about 40-45 frames. These were the beginning of the Argent Tower and some places in I am Vega. My settings were ultra with shadows on high. Changing the graphics all the way to low didn't help much since it couldn't pass 50 frames. Even some other users reported the same issue with other lower end cards in those areas. :?

Otherwise I mostly hit 60 frames during combat and hardly any stutters. I think my resolution might have helped (900p). :)
kingslayer said:
cyberjim2000 said:
Hitman is entirely worth it if you're gonna get $13 for the full experience. It's a true successor to the Blood Money game.

There's a snag however. No refunds for the key once I get it :cry:

But steam is selling it for a dollar more. At least I can refund it if the performance is not good.

More than the performance, the online connectivity is bothering me a bit but it shouldn't be that much of a problem since my internet's upto snuff now. Thanks for the suggestion!

It's honestly depends on how stable your connection is. I don't know about achievements but you can play the game offline.
Hitman? YESSSS!
JC3? NO! Well...Not unless you like framerate drops every single friggin time when the action starts. Completely ruined the experience for me atleast. Tried everything to fix it but nothin helped. It seems the developers have had no problem releasing payed DLC but when it comes to fixing their damn game then...well lets just say that not a lot has happened =)))))
This thread's a bit old, but I've finished both Hitman: Season One as well as Rise of the Tomb Raider.

Hitman is good, but the story is not really clear. On top of that, there's technically only eight missions, if you include the first level, which you have to play twice (once as a tutorial, again as how you see fit). In saying that, the levels offer a lot of variety and has a huge potential of replay value.

Rise of the Tomb Raider is okay, but ultimately I found it disappointing. The story wasn't great, the characters were boring, the environments feel very samey and I disliked how the upgrading system worked. In my opinion, the previous 2013 Tomb Raider was a much more exciting game. This one slowly felt like a chore to play. It's received heaps of awards though, so a lot of people obviously liked it, but I didn't think it was that awesome.
Wew, this is an old topic. I have hitman and rise of the tomb raider, bot only finished tomb raider. I am a massive Tomb Raider fan (just look at my avatar) so I did enjoy the game quite a bit. The new Tomb Raider games (and by that I mean this game and the one released before it) emphasize exploration, which is what drew me to Tomb Raider in the first place (aside from the boobies). But in Rise of the Tomb Raider, there isn't much reason to deviate from the story and explore. The experience is great on its own, but I enjoyed the last Tomb Raider game a lot more.

As for Hitman, well... I quit playing that game a while ago. I brought all the episodes yet I didn't even bother to play the last two due to the lack of interest. I guess I care more for the story and not the gameplay. The story is nonexistant in the new Hitman and I really have no motivation to continue playing if there is no story.
FrozenBacon said:
Wew, this is an old topic. I have hitman and rise of the tomb raider, bot only finished tomb raider. I am a massive Tomb Raider fan (just look at my avatar) so I did enjoy the game quite a bit. The new Tomb Raider games (and by that I mean this game and the one released before it) emphasize exploration, which is what drew me to Tomb Raider in the first place (aside from the boobies). But in Rise of the Tomb Raider, there isn't much reason to deviate from the story and explore. The experience is great on its own, but I enjoyed the last Tomb Raider game a lot more.

As for Hitman, well... I quit playing that game a while ago. I brought all the episodes yet I didn't even bother to play the last two due to the lack of interest. I guess I care more for the story and not the gameplay. The story is nonexistant in the new Hitman and I really have no motivation to continue playing if there is no story.

I'm the opposite, in this case. Normally I love story driven games and mostly play games for their story, but I really disliked the plot in Rise of the Tomb Raider. I also didn't like the characters. To me, the overall story felt very bland, especially when compared to the first one (2013 reboot). I loved the first one, so I was disappointed when Rise of the Tomb Raider didn't live up to expectations, or perhaps the hype I built up in my head.

I agree, Hitman's story was non-existent, but I kinda liked how each level had its own mini-story. I also liked the amount of freedom and options each level of Hitman gives you. Sometimes though, I found that levels would be too easy, especially when you happen to stumble on really subtle ways to eliminate the target.
StudioTan said:
TR2 is my favorite; what's your's?

I liked TR1 the best simply because it kept the solo exploring atmosphere for a while. There were very few human enemies in the game and I really liked that. In TR2 you had dudes shooting at you in like the second level. Other than that I think I enjoy the first three tomb raider games equally.

Master_Craig said:
FrozenBacon said:
Wew, this is an old topic. I have hitman and rise of the tomb raider, bot only finished tomb raider. I am a massive Tomb Raider fan (just look at my avatar) so I did enjoy the game quite a bit. The new Tomb Raider games (and by that I mean this game and the one released before it) emphasize exploration, which is what drew me to Tomb Raider in the first place (aside from the boobies). But in Rise of the Tomb Raider, there isn't much reason to deviate from the story and explore. The experience is great on its own, but I enjoyed the last Tomb Raider game a lot more.

As for Hitman, well... I quit playing that game a while ago. I brought all the episodes yet I didn't even bother to play the last two due to the lack of interest. I guess I care more for the story and not the gameplay. The story is nonexistant in the new Hitman and I really have no motivation to continue playing if there is no story.

I'm the opposite, in this case. Normally I love story driven games and mostly play games for their story, but I really disliked the plot in Rise of the Tomb Raider. I also didn't like the characters. To me, the overall story felt very bland, especially when compared to the first one (2013 reboot). I loved the first one, so I was disappointed when Rise of the Tomb Raider didn't live up to expectations, or perhaps the hype I built up in my head.

I agree, Hitman's story was non-existent, but I kinda liked how each level had its own mini-story. I also liked the amount of freedom and options each level of Hitman gives you. Sometimes though, I found that levels would be too easy, especially when you happen to stumble on really subtle ways to eliminate the target.

Yea, I never had any story expectations when it came to Tomb Raider games. I agree that the plot in the rise of the tomb raider was very forgettable, but like I said I liked the game because it encouraged exploration. I guess you can say hitman has exploration as well, but it is more of a social exploration type thing instead of world exploration. In hitman you need to figure out social patterns of NPCs in order to find a way to kill them. When exploration is dependent on the actions of NPCs I feel pressured to do things, which makes things unenjoyable for me.

I don't like how they place so much focus on combat in the new Tomb Raider games, though. I just wanna crawl some tombs and discover stuff while perving out on some boobies, man.

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