GR 2013 GOTY - semi-finals - Tomb Raider vs. The Last of Us

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Hello! Welcome to the semi-final match-ups of the GR Forum 2013 Game of the Year Showdown. Sorry for the huge delay, but we had a bit of trouble rounding up the assignments from our intrepid champions. I promise after this round we will continue straight into the Ultra Final Matchup, completely uninterrupted and without anymore homework for our competitors.

Let's get to it!

The quest for this final round was a GR classic (in my eyes, at least):

*drum roll*

Put Shia in it! Oh yes, our semi-finalist took to Photoshop to insert Mr. Shia Labeouf into their GOTY contender.

This matchup is Tomb Raider vs. The Last of Us.

Representing Tomb Raider is Lethean! With a special guest photoshop appearance by danielrbischoff!:



Representing The Last of Us is Bretimus_v2!:



Please vote below for the game you want to continue into the final match! Make you r votes in bold, would you kindly.

...says the guy who voted against my picks...

Anyway, I'm voting for Tomb raider, also known as the game that sold 5+ millions of copies worldwide, praise by critics left and right, loved by the masses and also... totally not a hipster game since Longo doesn't know what that word means.

...also he's a doo doo head.
Lien said:
Anyway, I'm voting for Tomb raider, also known as the game that sold 5+ millions of copies worldwide, praise by critics left and right, loved by the masses and also... totally not a hipster game since Longo doesn't know what that word means.
Well, Fire Emblem was praised by critics and broke 1 million sales on a single platform, but apparently it was still hipster to vote for that. And then you started calling me a hipster anyway.

So I just assumed that I'm so hipster that whatever I do is hipster but I guess there is just no pleasing the French.
The majority of GR always votes for the underdog, I think you might be screwed.

The only way TLOU would win would be if it was up against Ocarina of Time. Or FF7. Or Super Mario Bros 3.
Oh shit this is actually tied 6-6. Which means I get to break it.

Tomb Raider

Hahahaha yessssss
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