GR's Top 10 Films of 2013


Well, 2013 is behind us and what a year it was. A crack smoking mayor who expressed his love for cunnilingus, a failed Obamacare website and let's not forget Khloe Kardashian's divorce! ...sigh, we needed movies to help get us through this crap and there were indeed some great ones to catch this year.

So let's take a look now at the top 10 movies as voted by you guys here at GR!

Anchorman 2: The Legend Continues


Brick! You're not dead!

Kicking off this list is the sequel to one of the most quotable movies of our generation. There was a lot of hype behind this movie and while it may not be better than the original, you can still count on Champ, Brian Fantana, Ron Burgundy and lovable Brick to bring the laughs. Truly a great film that reminds us all to stay classy.

The Wolverine


Hugh Jackman is back and he is jacked! It's no secret that Wolverine has become more and more disappointing. The X-Men movies might as well of been called Wolverine + Friends, and then if that wasn't enough Wolverine, he got his own Origins movie which was a disaster. Luckily though the film Gods have listened to us bitching and we got First Class which was a huge improvement. And now we have The Wolverine which is above and Beyond Origins. Some might argue that Origins was so bad that anything could top it but the truth is The Wolverine was a great action flick that has us all hyped for Days of Future Past coming out this year!!

Iron Man 3


How do you top the epic success of 2012's The Avengers? You don't... Iron Man 3 isn't trying to be anymore than it needs to be, and that's what makes it work. The film feels more like the aftermath of The Avengers, as the every-charming Tony Stark reels us in with his eccentric personality. This is Robert Downy Jr's 4th time as Iron Man and it doesn't feel old. Much like another movie on this list, Disney shows us The Avengers franchise is still alive and kicking, and it feels oh so good.

Now You See Me


Ok, ya got me. I haven't seen this one. I saw Jesse Eisenberg and I thought I'd seen this, but I was thinking of Why Stop Now, and that's a good movie too so check it out. But as for Now You See Me, let's take a look at what Rotten Tomatoes has to say about it?

Now You See Me's thinly sketched characters and scattered plot rely on sleight of hand from the director to distract audiences.

Damn... Well, what the hell do they know? This is GR, not RT.

Star Trek Into Darkness


What's that? A reboot of a classic film that isn't horrible? Yup, J.J. Abrams loves himself some Star Trek. Even back when he was "that guy who created LOST" he loved to write in the good old redshirts who would get killed when there needed to be more tension on the show. Star Trek Into Darkness continues this "alternate universe" (nice way of saying it's a reboot) where Captain Kirk and his team on the Enterprise encounter one of the most deadliest foes in the original Stark Trek universe...'s? It just goes to show that when a director has enough love and passion for a series, he can recreate something the fans will love.

Pacific Rim


This movie knew exactly what it was supposed to be and delivered. Giant, fucking, mech-robot-things battling giant, fucking, crazy-monster-things. Epic.

The World's End


I had heard there was a movie in Europe called The World's End and it was one of the funniest movies of the year. Stupid me thought they were talking about This is The End with a different title. Sometimes other countries do that and it's confusing but I just go with it. But no! This is a different movie and it is absolutely hilarious. Simon Pegg and Nick Frost return in this Edgar Wright Apocalyptic tale of men who refuse to grow up. It's heartfelt, sad, silly and an all around great film. Wright is a brilliant director and I raise my pint to him!

Thor: The Dark World


Thor: The Dark World, or, as the poster says, Un Mundo Oscuro, hits us with a hammer of pure popcorn-spectacle. It raises the stakes and surpasses its predecessor with action, humor and romance. It has everything you'd expect from this franchise and this Superhero in general. And while Thor is a badass, we really do need a Loki movie, amirite?



One of the most intense and harrowing tales of survival and my personal favorite of the year. Gravity follows Sandra Bullock and George Clooney as they try to survive overwhelming odds against a terrible catastrophe. Directed by Alfonso Cuarón, a master at the one-shot (if you haven't seen Children of Men yet, you need to!), he is able to capture an entire action scene where the camera never cuts. Even if it is not actually one take and simply made to look that way, he understands how much this style can really immerse you into the experience, as if something out of a video game. With great effects, an impressive performance from Bullock, and an ominous score, Gravity sucked us all in for this thrill ride.

Man of Steel


It's a bird! It's a plane! It's....OMG IT'S A BUILDING COLLAPSING!

At #1 comes the greatest Superhero of them all; The Man of Steel. Co-written by Christopher Nolan and Directed by Zack Snyder, we're re-introduced to Superman in this new, gritty take on Earth's symbol of Hope. It's a refreshing reboot and what fans were expecting back in 2006 with the disappointing Superman Returns. Man of Steel is darker, mature, and action-packed. It's everything you want in a Superman movie. And now that it's strongly hinted there will be a Justice League franchise with Batman in Man of Steel 2, DC comic fans everywhere can scream cries of joy in all their fanboy glory! Thanks Snyder for making us believe in the Supes again!

Agree with the list? Which movies do you think should've made the cut?
Happy 2014 everyone, may we get another 10 amazing must-see films this year.
Close to half of those films are like on lots of people's worst movie list of the year.

Especially Now you see me... You do realize it's a hipster film right? Like a badly written film filled with Batman gamble and horrible cliche about a bunch of know it all kids who can somehow one-up the law enforcement and gamble with people's lives on the street. It's that bad of a film... why is it on this list?
Lien said:
Close to half of those films are like on lots of people's worst movie list of the year.

Especially Now you see me... You do realize it's a hipster film right? Like a badly written film filled with Batman gamble and horrible cliche about a bunch of know it all kids who can somehow one-up the law enforcement and gamble with people's lives on the street. It's that bad of a film... why is it on this list?

3rd year in a row a superhero movie takes it, aren't you guys getting sick of this crap? And I agree with what Lien said about not-good movies on this list. There are four superhero movies on it, none of which most people had very good things to say about (at best they were "divisive" among viewers). I guess maybe we just didn't see a lot of movies this year, let alone ones we could all agree on?

But lest I seem like an ungrateful mook, thanks for doing this, Wicked. I always look forward to end of year best-of lists, and this one is no exception.

And here are the movies that might have ended up on my list if I had seen them:
-American Hustle
-The Wolf of Wall Street
I was really hoping Gravity would take it not because it was awesomely awesome but because it would break the superhero movie streak.

But I'm fine with Man of Steel, not my favorite movie of the year but I did enjoy it.

If anything, the list shows us GR knows games more than movies, which is the way it should be lol.
GiftedMonkey said:
movies that might have ended up on my list if I had seen them

This is the key for me. My backlog is full of interesting stuff like Kings of Summer and Her, yet all I've seen is a fucking Superman movie. So, I had to give the list I gave.

I did think Man of Steel was really good though.
You mean a bunch of nerds on a video game website like action and comic book movies?
Shit, we need to get Scotland Yard out here for this one.

Seriously, though, Pacific Rim was the best movie of the year.
I still need to see American Hustle and Wolf of Wall Street because i hear nothing but good things about those two
FFS, it's not like we're the Oscar nomination comittee. When did you all become art house ass hats which would be more of my view of hipsters than the magicians in Now you see me. This list is great. We're unpretentious and like to see shit 'splode with awesome sound effects. To thine own self be true.

That being said. Great job, Wicked.
I agree with the above statement.

Although (We Will Do Everything We Can To Make You Forget You Are Watching A Movie About Super)man of Steel was far from the best of those movies.
Also American Hussle, Wolf of Wall Street, The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug, and many others were released so close to the end of the year that not many of us saw them in time to vote. It was still nice to see Anchorman sneak in there though.

And thanks guys.
Bretimus_v2 said:
When did you all become art house ass hats which would be more of my view of hipsters than the magicians in Now you see me.
Cause the first rule of magic is to always be the smartest guy in the room... I'm sorry if you don't understand that part. I'm sure it's too deep for you...
Multiply the minute it took you to say that by 200 and you got now you see me.

Also... what special effect? They only had cutting and editing effects in that film!

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