Anyone else pissed off with ACIII's glitches?

Sourdeez said:
Yeah its not a issue I have but on my tech forums people are livid that no fix has been announced for it.

For a moment I thought I was having a acid flashback.



*unstretched -daniel

yup, that's the problem.
Sourdeez said:
Get 1080p screens people and put your browsers at full screen :)
This version of vb only stretches to the right, annoyingly.
Still prefer it to the newer versions, though

Seriously, is there any way to stop the horrible performance? Would help if there was actually graphic options, not just 2 stupid settings that don't change a damn thing. I actually like the game. I mean, it's impossible to play with the keyboard but it works flawlessly with my 360 controller and is really quite fun, but the lag isn't just annoying it affects gameplay and makes some sections infinitely harder than they need to be.

Oh well, suppose this is another of those 'don't touch for 2 months' games i was talking about earlier.
I dont have lag issues with my setup. Im using nvidia 310.61. at times it seems like the sli profile still needs work though in crowded areas I get 60fps with gpu usages drops then in others it will fluctuate up to 120fps with perfect gpu scaling. Seem to be in busy areas which makes me think its creating some kind of bottleneck. Next driver release will be whql certified and should give performance increases.

I do run TXAA which im not sure what kind of performance difference there would be if you are running ati or lower than a 600 series card. Nvidia says its the performance hit of about 4x msaa. If you try running txaa on a incompatible card ubsioft said it just uses 4x msaa with fxaa ontop.
yeah, i get no lag at all. I'm running some old drivers too, because I'm too lazy to update most of the time. No major performance issues besides the hair, which doesn't really bother me that much.

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