I'm back faggots

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MrHimashi said:
Where is Dave Matthew, flying chunky monkey, ACEC, KBB or whatever he changed his name to? That british asshole that made fun of my chubby cheeks, Jared and his down with the clown friend, dobby, bubbles that chick from australia? stalfros, derrekk, nes man, krowsnose, ghostrip,firewall, link, SILVER KNIGHT, that kid shane, who when registered here was legitimately like 7 years old hahah holy shit ETC ETC ETC..

Jesus christ I feel like I could go on forever, any of these people still here? :(

Lmao! Memories man.... I avoid this place like the plague just because it is horrifying to go back and read how obnoxious you were as a 15 y/o kid. It blows my mind seeing so many old names that still post here. Kaanchtoofan.... wtf, he's still around?!

Last time I came here I saw this topic and smiled. Icepick is a crazy bastard! I remember exchanging gross pictures of Tubgirl and Goatse with him on AIM. He threw away the nachos with cheese he was eating after seeing Tubgirl. :rofl3:

The only time I met GRians in person was in Roswell, GA. Dave Mathews, Galleon, myself and another guy (why the hell can't I remember this guy's handle, funny kid who looked like daniel radcliffe a bit, was it FCM?) went to a mall and hung out for a couple hours.

I was about to post a new topic on here dedicated to Shane and his wild stories. How many usernames did that guy have? Past all the antics, he was a pretty good kid...

Anyways, how ya been Himashi? Still in Singapore? And Longo, as far as Dobby's selfies go, you were the biggest fan of them all! :mrgreen:
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