StalfrosCC said:
intoTheRain said:
mmm first place feels good man...
hows that collection of bronze feelin' america? at least you came close to the canadians in a lot of stuff rite?
Um... I know you aren't a history buff, but last time your country held the Winter Games they didn't win any Gold Medals.
So like... yeah.
Oh! Canada!
Also, the US handedly beat you guys in medal count... so what's this bragging?
If there were 4 medals Canada would have handily beat the USA. Silver and bronze shouldn't exist, what matters is who is the best. Not who is almost the best.
And i love how yanks continue to bring up the past. The past is the past, the present is now. And Canada is the present.
Canada, FUCK yea!
Woohoo, 2 years of contentment until the US rapes us backwards at the summer olympics! But we'll still have our hockey for 4
Trippysmurf said:
Wow, Canada did well in the Winter (i.e. the boring) Olympics IN Canada, meanwhile US lead in overall medals.
while i agree the winter olympics are mostly silly, theyre DEFINITELY not more boring than the summer olympics.
brb running, throwing metal balls, jumping over a pole, jumping far.
more practical, but definitely not more exciting.
ya'll dont have to be so cranky, let a few canadians enjoy their time of glory. let us enjoy our two world records, one of which overtook you. and let us bask in the glory that we have 6 more number one athletes in the world at their discipline than you. even if it's going down an ice slide on a sled, or shuffleboard on ice.