GR Survivor: Team Rick Roll - Night 5

As the sun rises the members of Team Rick Roll awake to obvious signs of struggle during the night. Quickly taking stock of who is actually in the camp, they notice that the youngest member – Keepithowitis – has been taken to be sacrificed. The odd thing is that this didn’t look like he went willingly. Throughout the campsite are signs of struggle; broken branches, disturbed sand, and torn clothing. Glancing off to the East, HK-47 notices a depression in the sand, as if someone had dragged Keepit out, to his doom. The drag lines look easily trackable, and your team has more than enough skill and weapons to follow them. Remember though, you still need to do your daily activities to survive. Maybe you just might be able to get the upper hand on these so-called “othersâ€
Well, I gather water, and hunt food for one of our fellow chefs to cook. I also eat and drink when possible. Poor Keepit :(

OH! I use my hunting and gathering abilities to follow the tracks!!! I SHALL HUNT DOWN AND DESTROY THE FOUL OTHERS... :evil:
((I'll track down keepit later, I need to earn my keep by slaughtering the wildlife.))

After strapping his triple bladed bear-slayer to his bear belt, and his spear to his bear sash, he picked up his triple-bladed scythe and proceeded to march to the edge of the clearing. Turning back to the camp, he said another cheesy action movie line:

"For my hero meat... 'Grant me revenge... And if you do not listen, then to hell with you.'"

Raising his scythe into the air, he marched into the jungle.

After walking a trail, he cut into a dense tree line as he felt that he was being followed. Moving swiftly through the trees, he still felt the presence following him, but it seemed to be in multiple places. He began to run through the trees, twisting and weaving through them ,all the while being followed. Jumping a fallen tree, he leaps into a clearing, with a tree in the center and a bear resting on it's trunk.

Hitting the ground running, the bear woke up and he stopped in his tracks as the presences that followed him appeared just out of the line of trees. In front of him, a large bear, and behind him a pack of wolves.

He thought, if I get through this, I'm making a sacrifice to Holo.
Twirling the scythe, he pulled out his sword in the last twirl and leapt towards the bear. The bear growled and swiped at him, but he parried the blow with the scythe, slashing the bear with the sword. As the blood was spilled, the wolves charged forward, hungry for the blood of our hunter and the bear.

Leaping away from the bear and firing a blade at it, he yelled, "I am fucking Artemis up in here, bitches!"

A few of the wolves went after the bear while the others but one went after the hunter. Sheathing the sword, he gripped his scythe as the wolves circled around him. One lounged and he swung towards it, slashing at it's jaw. As he swung, another wolf lounged at him, slashing his back. Yelling in surprise and pain, the other wolves charged towards him. In a blind fury, he unleashed a bladed tornado with the scythe, carving up the wolves that charged towards him.

In the end of the tornado, wolf carcasses littered the ground, with only a few remaining nearly intact. Turning towards the bear, it was still squared off against four wolves. Taking out his sword again, he wielded both and walked towards the wolves and the bear. The wolf that stayed out of the fight howled and the wolves retreated. Watching the remaining wolves run, he threw his scythe in an arc and it sliced the head off one wolf and embedded itself in another. Taking his sword, he walked to the wounded bear and impaled it with the sword, ending it's life.

Surveying the carnage, he took the choice meat and pelts and began to drag the bear towards the camp, making note of the location to return if need be.
Nice scythe arc throwing there Judgement-47!

I will cook...hmmm...I will cook the BEAR! We all love bear.

I eat and drink for the day - yummy.

I also use some wood to build an almighty wank shed over the top of my sand lady Sanderella and her twin sister....Sandy.
......give me a minute guys....actually...make that TWO minutes!

Aw ye.
The day slowly turns to night and the members who started tracking the drag marks still haven't returned. As you all know the area isn't safe to wander around in after dark, so a separated Team Rick roll begins to make camp. Those of you who followed the drag marks, PM me so I know which ones you are. Those of you who stayed at camp, PM me the member you want to get rid of. That's right, another double elimination night. The catch -- you can only vote for someone who is in camp.

Night 5
The sun rises on what was once the camp of Team Rick Roll, but unfortunately it's now abandoned. While Hlallu and MattAY slept, waiting for the rest of their team to come back, the Others came and took them both sorry guys, the one vote I got from this team was for someone not in the camp, and my condition for voting someone off was they had to be in the camp and offered them up to their island god.

Meanwhile, Lien, HK-47, and Squirrels resumed their tracking. It wasn't long before they ran directly into Bretimus, Links, and Green_Lantern.

"Ahh! It's a Japzillian!" Screamed HK, and readied his weapon for an all-out battle.

"Calm down," shouted Bretimus. "We're here tracking down the Others. They took Ugh a couple nights ago and we figured it was the best way to get him back."

"No shit," said Lien, "that's exactly what we're doing too. We figure we can take them out as long as we have the element of surprise!"

"Well, we could probably do this all better if we worked together." Said Links, with blood stains on his chin.

"What's up with that guy?" asked HK

"For some reason he's really been into drinking rabbits' blood lately. I have no idea why" explained Green_Lantern.

10000_Squirrels, who had been quiet until now, suddenly spoke up, "you three seem trustworthy! I do believe we should work together. Let's start building a camp!"

"But what do we call ourselves?" questioned Bretimus

"Why team JUGGERNAUT!" shouted HK

"No, too Marvel..." replied Links. "How about team VENGEANCE!"

And thus, the merge happened. Two opposing forces are now one. Good luck, folks.
Well that's shit! I'm in the UK dammit! I've LITERALLY been sleeping whilst that VERY TINY hour and a bit went on!

I had no chance

Longer Nights please.
The night was 24 hours long, man. I started it Monday at 7PM Eastern Standard time (GMT-5) and ended it Tuesday at 7PM Eastern Standard time (again, GMT-5)

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