GR Survivor: Team Rick Roll - Night 5


Alright folks, here it is. The beginning to the new GR Survivor! Please read the entire post, I know it's long, but it'll start everything off nice and easy...

After a few months of not really appearing on the boards a few members of GR got quite concerned over whereabouts of two veteran posters, JCD and Tigerlilly. They knew that earlier in the year Tigerlilly had decided that the internet relationship she was pursuing with JCD was no longer enough, and wanted him in person as well as on text, so she had flown out to Ireland to see him. This was some time ago, however, and since leaving she had not really made too much contact with her internet friends. Everyone thought that this was normal seeing as posters come and go on the site, but in the past few weeks HK-47, Keepithowitis, and Bretimus had all received cryptic messages from Tigerlilly and JCD indicating that they might be in trouble. They quickly assembled a team of ten other posters, and the Fearless Thirteen set out to find their comrades. The question of how to get to Ireland was answered quickly; commandeer Duke Ferris’ private jet.

Meeting up outside of the secret private headquarters of the GameRevolution website, they used their skills acquired from playing many different espionage games and quickly bypassed the ninjas that were hired to guard the compound. This was no easy task however, and many a cardboard box was wasted in their sneaky plot. Nevertheless, with the blueprints of the entire area that Hlallu had downloaded onto his iPad, they found the jet’s hangar in minimal time. Once there, they realized that none of them had any knowledge of how to get inside the plane let alone fly it. That’s when UghRochester stepped up, producing his Splinter Cell lock-pick that he had won in a previous Haiku Friday challenge posed on the site. Who’d have thought that we could win something from a gaming site that’s practical in the real world? Thought Green_Lantern as Ugh went to work. A couple minutes later and the door was opened, and everyone snuck onto the plane.

The second they were on the plane they all began comparing gaming experience. They needed to know, who had the most playing time on Flight Simulator. With over one hundred and fifty hours, Lien was chosen to fly the plane. Things were looking up for the Fearless Thirteen; they had their plane and were about to be well on their way to rescuing two of their friends.

A couple hours into flying Kingg5 noticed that one of the engines on the plane was smoking. Before anything could even be said the engine caught on fire and exploded, sending the craft spiraling down towards a small island. Using all his Flight Sim knowledge, Lien steered the plane to crash into the water and none of the passengers were harmed. They used their seat cushions as rafts and one by one made it to land. The first night was hard, but they all got through it together. Getting food, water, and some even building a shelter. It was during this first night, around the campfire, that UghRochester started humming the Trololol song to himself. 1000_Squirrels, who had been in shock until now, looked at him with frustration. “How can you hum that at a time like this?â€
Here we go.

Alright, I make an axe for Keepit, so he can shelter us, and I make a spear for HK, so he can hunt.

Post Note: Would it be possible to make a Halberd if there is a person who is both a shelterer and a hunter? You know, combination axe and spear... Just askin'.
10000_Squirrels said:
Post Note: Would it be possible to make a Halberd if there is a person who is both a shelterer and a hunter? You know, combination axe and spear... Just askin'.

I'm going to say yes, but it'd be wasted seeing as there are no hunter/shelterers
very true, but for now like I said, you can do it but it'd be useless seeing as there is nobody who can do both
Since Kingg5 is on healing duty at the moment and I have a new spear (An 10000_Squirrels original), I'll rustle us up some meat.
Can I throw my spear in a manly and effective fashion and kill a boar with it?
kingg5 said:
Lien since his wound is more severe and we need a shelter.
Thank you buddy! I was wondering when someone would notice me lying there on the beach sand and all!
And just for the record, I haven't played 150 hours of Microsoft flight simulators, I've played over 300 hours of flight simulator! The trick is to set the letter "K" to "safe landing" (fact!). Too bad there were no letter k on the plane... Stupid Duke and his mac os!

Well, since keepithowitis made a shelter already, Guess i'll make some more tools... Let's see... What do we need...

I know, I'll make another spear but for kingg this time! just in case we'll need two hunters the next day. And since i have broken ribs and he doesn't need it right away (being a doctor and treating me and all). I'll smith it slow and steady. Hopefully my wounds won't reopen in the process.

sidenote: I take it the blacksmith can only makes axes and spears, he? Guess the cook will stir with a coconut.
Can I at least get some painkillers?!!


HK, heal me and I'll lend you my manga collection for a day! I salvaged most of my collection from the crash. (I actually sacrificed my arm to get them!)

Question: 2 actions per day right? Do these two actions have to be one from each job? Or can I choose to do 2 cooking jobs/2 blacksmith jobs?
I am limiting you to two actions per day. That means they're yours to choose from in your list of jobs. Want to make two weapons? Go for it! Want to hunt and cook? Go for it! The choices are yours to make. Also, I didn't mention this before, but there is no immunity challenge for day 1. I want everyone to at least survive to day 2. The second that day 2 begins there will be a challenge
MattAY said:
Can I at least get some painkillers?!!


HK, heal me and I'll lend you my manga collection for a day! I salvaged most of my collection from the crash. (I actually sacrificed my arm to get them!)

I accept that bribe and after I bring back the boar, I'm all Blackjack up in here and heal MattAY up.
Because I'm such an excellent underground doctor, I proceed to spend the rest of the day reading Toradora! and Ouran because we don't have a TV here.
Alright, III will!
GATHER! some freshwater from further in the island.
I will cook and serve the boar HK is bringing.

I look around at everyone whilst they are taking their food, and hope to god I cooked it right!
My first action will be to make and give Lien an axe (a 10000_squirrels replica). You are now promoted to "Chopping Fiend".

I will also make King a bow&arrow. Shoot us some food when you can big guy!

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