Zero Punctuation


Whilst I hope the folks at GR won't be too angry at me for promoting another game review source, since Zero Punctuation is a video review (a service which GR does not yet provide - but fingers crossed!) I hope they won't mind.

If you've already heard of ZP you can stop reading now. If you haven't, all the reviews are short, flash animated, fast paced rantings in a tone not too dissimilar to own beloved GR.

They're all done by one guy, so they're a little thin on the ground at the moment, but he's hoping to add more on a weekly basis. They seem to be generally pretty accurate, and are peppered with just enough swearing and humour to make them entertainingly watchable.

You can find them over at

I also apologise profusely if this information has already been passed down to you in previous posts and/or topics. Enjoy.
I loved his bioshock review

Hated his orange box review, he was too in love with it to be funny :\
He has more than one review?


My bad, I just didn't notice since they're all exactly the same, boring and not funny anymore.
the F.E.A.R review wasent that good to be honest, but other then that they are all good, also check out the console rundown, i love the conclusion.
Even though he rips on games that i like (I dont like F.E.A.R) he is still funny as hell, and in most cases he is right.
ohsostupid said:
JCD said:
He has more than one review?


My bad, I just didn't notice since they're all exactly the same, boring and not funny anymore.

Like your posts? :P
Pfft. Noob.

Really though, this whole thing is just a fad like denim, reality tv shows and Rosie O' Donnell. His reviews don't have any substance, humor or... well point really. I'd like to see him review his own games. Oh how funny that would be, they're bloody terrible.
For the most part, his reviews are pretty spot on. Even when dissecting games like BioShock, I had to agree with him.
JCD said:
ohsostupid said:
JCD said:
He has more than one review?


My bad, I just didn't notice since they're all exactly the same, boring and not funny anymore.

Like your posts? :P
Pfft. Noob.

Really though, this whole thing is just a fad like denim, reality tv shows and Rosie O' Donnell. His reviews don't have any substance, humor or... well point really. I'd like to see him review his own games. Oh how funny that would be, they're bloody terrible.
Yeah, well you hate everything. You also said that Crackdown is better than Gears Of War.
Longo_2_guns said:
JCD said:
ohsostupid said:
JCD said:
He has more than one review?


My bad, I just didn't notice since they're all exactly the same, boring and not funny anymore.

Like your posts? :P
Pfft. Noob.

Really though, this whole thing is just a fad like denim, reality tv shows and Rosie O' Donnell. His reviews don't have any substance, humor or... well point really. I'd like to see him review his own games. Oh how funny that would be, they're bloody terrible.
Yeah, well you hate everything. You also said that Crackdown is better than Gears Of War.
Meh, a lot of things are better than Gears of War. A lot. With that being said, crackdown was pretty shit.
I don't blame you. I liked Gears, I really liked it. But I had much more fun playing Crackdown. Once you've beaten Gears three or four times for a laugh there's really not much to do but play online, which I never do because one of the guys on buddy list is a god at Gears (had all the achievements within three weeks of release.) and he insists on compromising me in online matches. :(

jivesc00ter said:
haha wasnt it grey who put this web site up for something a while ago, haha i think hes f****** halarious

Yeah but that was a passing post, not a topic to inform everybody about Yahtzee, I approve!

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