Zero originality or: the Richard Sorge of gamestop speaks!


Well... its flowing around the internet like crazy for the past week, thought it should be mention in this post. I discovered it yesterday in kotaku. First i ignored it but it was mentioned on VGcats so i took a look. First i thought it was boring but then, i was hook up on it like a Frenchman to "mood altering" drugs.
Basically, an ex-Gamestop employee start denouncing (Yahtzee style!) the mistreatment of EBgames stores to employees, customers and game developers alike starting with the trade-in/pawn shops system to the infamous "Do you want to reserve?" conduct.

It's a nine part series lasting 90 minutes so... yeah... watch it when you have free time. Also, swearing, stick sexual innuendo figures, Klansman waving their shlong around... yada yada... NSFW! thank you


Episode 1 -- It's not stealing. It's borrowing
part 1
part 2

Episode 2 -- "No" is subjective
part 1
part 2

Episode 3 -- Working at the Dream Job part 1
part 1
part 2

Episode 3 -- Working at the Dream Job part 2
part 1


That's it, i'm buying games on Craigslist!

PS: Anyone saying it's a Zero punctuation rip-off didn't pay attention at the title.

EDIT: Fixed links, thanks Xarathion!
Xarathion said:
Fuck and yes.

They do mistreat us (I work in EBgames) because they want to essentially fire us all and close down our stores. Funny thing is the team we have in EB is competent (except the Gamestop manager they just put in) and were working our asses off for a company that essentially hates us.

No breaks, although our managers disobey this by giving breaks anyway, stupid customers who can't find a copy of Halo if it was staring at them on the wall. And the fact that people keep assuming that the trade in values are worth the same as a bought game.

In the long run the trade ins are worth it, but it is cheaper to go to Plus if you only buy $10 games, knocking a buck off helps a bit, and you know the quality of the games when you get it. Luckily my store has people who know what there talking about, who can give opinionated information about the products, and will not sell any used games if there is a major scratch on it.

This is probably why were last in the district and we have DM's trying to take out everyone here by breaking their soul.

Hope people realize what a crime this is in the end.
..... You need a hug Link but I guess it's true. I never worked at an ebgames but I saw employees mistreated..... was fun to take their defenses when ther boss was around.... we kinda saved their job that day.
suck it up...minimum wage employees have always and will always get treated like shit because they don't really matter. If they quit someone from Chris_Crime's family will come in do a better job and for less money.
LinksOcarina said:
True, but there are laws that are used to safeguard the mistreatment of minimum wage employees.

And the worst part is employees who works minimum wage in stores like EBgame are generally new or desperate and are afraid to speak up. Even though there are laws protecting them. I was one of them in my late teen and i can imagine what it must be to work at Gamestop.
Gamestop workers have the easiest job in the world anyways. Yeah, retail is hard, blah blah. If your main hobby is gaming and you work in a game store, then just deal with it. You never hear music lovers who work in record shops or musical stores complaining.
used44 said:
Gamestop workers have the easiest job in the world anyways. Yeah, retail is hard, blah blah. If your main hobby is gaming and you work in a game store, then just deal with it. You never hear music lovers who work in record shops or musical stores complaining.

Yup! Easiest job ever also, Gamestop loves their employee! It's perfect just like Walmart! Heck! Who needs security and Fair Labor Standards? Certainly not your dream job!
And What a contribution they do to the gaming communities... well except their trade-ins but if it used, i'm sure the game developers don't need that money...

Hey just like you said, "You never hear music lovers who work in record shops or musical stores complaining" right?
...I guess not
sorry... Didn't mean to be a dick... but i just hate people who post without checking out the subject.
But i hate sarcasm as well... tell you what, JC, if you spot me spurting sarcasm again, you may kick me in the balls.

Starting....... NOW!
The security issue is bullshit. Go cry to anyone else who works at a mall.

And their terrible, corporate practices regarding the used games and not giving the developers and publishers their fair shake has nothing to do with the way they treat their employees, so that's irrelevant.

If you get treated like shit by your employer, quit. Oh, wait! Or blog about it! And good job Googling the music shop complainer. The internet is great.
used44 said:
The security issue is bullshit. Go cry to anyone else who works at a mall.

And their terrible, corporate practices regarding the used games and not giving the developers and publishers their fair shake has nothing to do with the way they treat their employees, so that's irrelevant.

If you get treated like shit by your employer, quit. Oh, wait! Or blog about it! And good job Googling the music shop complainer. The internet is great.

I find it odd that no one complains about this too much, but when we reminisce on child labor and unfair wages in factories and the like, we go ape shit over the squalor that they had to deal with.

Granted no one is in jeopardy of dying here, but it is still unfair and kind of ridiculous. Minimum wage may be minimum wage, but when your making close to that as a manager, you get that stupid comdata card that really is pointless, and you have to use unlawful practices with both customers and your staff to make numbers for a corporate giant who really cares little about the games, but more about the product, then there should be people up in arms about it.

Oh, and if any of the Gamestop people who actually do read these posts and such, you can fuck right off. This is called free speech. I can work for you and talk about you if I wanted to. Were not Nazis (or are we?....)
i agree with used. If you get treated unfairly really do something about it. Don't just bitch and whinge. I suppose this could be "raising awareness" but seriously stage a walk out, quit, contact the US Department of Labor, but don't just sit around and bitch or make silly videos and wait for someone else to do the dirty work of actually implementing change for you.
guys guys... According to the guy who made the video, he DID quit the job and got another one the day right after with benefits and a good paycheck. He was just telling his one year experience and wants revenge. Nothing wrong with that!
What the video is trying to teach us is awareness. Like what the video said, you can't cure the symptoms without curing the disease. Not shopping there and not working there will NOT change gamestop or any corporation in general. But changing our consuming habits will. Heck! It's the capitalist way!

And Used&Shaft, you're right. If you hate your job, by all mean do quit it! Just remember that a multi-millionaire corporation won't change it's policies because you quit the job or complain. It'll keep the same policies and will, if beneficial to them, ignore the labor laws, environment policies and/or security procedure.
So you can ignore it but if you want a small clue about changing Gamestop, you may want to at least give this video a try.
Because of Gamestop? :wink: Nah... It's probably because he wants to upgrade his account... At the worst, we got the other links Thanks Xarathion!
Ah, ok. I've made it a point to never make a Youtube account because, from what I can tell anyway, the dumb plagues about 90% of all commenters. Thus, I didn't know upgrading your account suspended it...or however that works.

Anyway, I thought these videos were great. It doesn't sound like the worst job in the world, but it is nice to see someone blow the whistle on bad business practices, no matter how common they are. A good reminder that life sucks can be the kick in the pants needed to fix things. Sometimes. Probably not in this case, but oh well.

Yeah. :lol:
mattimeo48 said:
Anyone know why his account was suspended?

Well, a discussion I glanced over in some YouTube message board said that GameStop filed some sort of court order, and YouTube had to take it down. Whether they are trying to pursue legal action against the guy or not is unknown...would be stupid if they were, as all he is doing is expressing his freedom of speech.

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