Your thoughts on ISIS?



She looks kind of thin. Do you think this influenced women to watch their figures?
When I first started hearing about ISIS, I was wondering why everyone was talking about Archer all of a sudden. That's still where my mind goes first when I hear the word.
Osiris fucked her that's for sure.

Well with them releasing videos of hostages being beheaded, it's not as if there is much room for reasoning. So yeah - bomb the fuckers. Obviously without hurting any innocent people.
I mean, this is just proof once again that religion needs to fuck off. Back in the day it was there merely to explain the unexplainable. Science wasn't there.


But for fuck's sake - look what it's doing to people. And has been doing for quite some time. I know I'm being incredibly broad here, it is just the extremists I'm aware - but it's very sad how it comes to this.

PS - Howie read the news...just from time to time!
I once had a debate about Islam with a Muslim. He tried to brag how Islam is the fastest growing religion to which I said; well, yeah, when you breed like rabbits (almost said cockroaches but that would've been too insulting to the guy, even though I was referring to radical extremists).

Osama Bin Laden had over 50 siblings.... 50!!!! And he had 21 kids himself. So yeah, no wonder the Islamic numbers are growing so quickly.

I've always tried to be agnostic and keep an open mind to all paths in life. My belief has always been if nothing can be proven than anything is possible. But it's hard to side with Islam when it's a religion that believes it is above criticism and has an Islamic Law that states if you abandon your faith you'll be sentenced to death for apostasy. It also states the man is legally allowed to best his wife for insubordination. What defines insubordination? Depends on the husband.

Speaking of women, I know I sound prejudice, but I've seen first hand the ugly side Islam has over women. I had an Afghan coworker who was 19 and she was forced to marry a man in her 50's. And what was worse was he was her cousin.... She eventually committed suicide two months after the marriage. I wish I did more for her when she would vent and talk to me. But there was only so much I could do.

Of course this doesn't mean I go around shouting racial slurs at Muslims like rednecks with farmer tans.
It's also worth pointing out that the Muslim I was debating with was a friend of mine and we're still friends today.

Jeez, I feel like Stephen Colbert bragging about his black friend so people don't think he's racist.

Man, WickedLiquid. That's a horrible story about your friend. I am very sorry to hear about that.

Recently on I listened to a video that was of an Australian radio host actually talking to one of the leaders of ISIS (possibly the leader, actually) over a phone call or radio or something. The radio host asked the guy what is it ISIS wanted, the guy explained that what ISIS wants is for the world to be under Islamic law. When questioned about the violence and murders, the ISIS fella denied it all, saying it's made up by the media. It was a chilling interview to listen to. I didn't listen to all of it because I was at work and the video was quite long.

Despite being raised in a Luthren family, I think nowadays I too am more of an Agnostic person. I like the idea that there is something above us (perhaps below us to so to speak, edit: but I don't "like" that idea) and that there is a "higher being" of sorts, or maybe an after life, but I'm just not entirely convinced by it. I'm open to the idea of religion, but I hate it how people try to force their religion down the throats of others, using things like fear and even violence to try and reinforce their point.

I hope I don't offend anyone with my following examples, because it's about two former friends of mine who are heavy Christians (this'll be long, so please excuse the tl;dr if you don't wanna read it).

My first friend lives interstate down south, moved away a while ago. One day out of the blue he rings me up to catch up. We chat for a while, but we both had bad reception where we were, so we decided to continue the conversation over text. We do so, it's pleasant, then he starts talking about religion, Christianity. He's talking about how he's very concerned with the after life and even scared that he and his family and friends will go to hell. I explain my views on religion, and then he tells me this,

"Craig mate. You are going to forever burn in the lake of fire. You will never see your friends and family again. You are going to suffer."

He said a few other nasty things about how I am going to suffer an eternity of pain and misery, then started explain how he was trying to "save" me because he wanted to save his friends. I felt horribly offended by this, I mean... I kinda understood why he was doing what he was doing, because he genuinely believes this is going to happen (and I'm not going to argue that it won't, because no one truly knows), but I explained that trying to use fear to make me believe in his cause is not right. He tried to justify himself, then I politely ended the conversation. We're not friends any more.

Another example, I had a friend who is also a heavy Christian and she has very, almost extremist views on anti-homosexuality. She strongly disapproves it, particularly of same sex marriage. Over Facebook, she kept doing massive status updates how it's apparently wrong because of what the Bible says, and she would use quotes from the Bible to try and justify her points. She then went on to try and post online petitions of anti same sex marriage, to encourage her friends to sign it, and even went ahead and posted "Pray the Gay Away" advertisements and links, to try and "save her friends".

I didn't say anything to this girl, but I have close friends who are homosexual and bisexual and I just got angry seeing these updates, so I scrapped her off my friends list.

My point is, regardless of what religion and faith people may have, I absolutely hate it when people try to use fear, propaganda and even violence to try drive their views and ideas into the minds of others. It's just wrong.

Sorry to go so far off topic.
Thanks Craig. You'll have to forgive my humour, it's just how I deal with things. And don't worry about going off topic. Actually talking about the Islamic State in Iraq is going off topic, LOL.
As much as i like to try and keep an open mind about people and ideas, there's now places in sydney you can't walk alone because you'll get bashed for wanting to eat delicious bacon and not forcing women to cover up in 45 degree australian summers.

Keeping an open mind doesn't mean i don't call hitler a cunt, so guess what? These radical muslims get the same 'cunt' tag from me.

Wouldn't be so bad if i hadn't seen first hand just how many of them are 'radical'.
Thankfully the majority of Muslims in "the west" don't believe in a lot of the BS that you're talking about Madster. And that has more to do with who is preaching Islam to Muslims.

Radical extremists are preaching this hatred and violence and won't rest until the world as we know it is 100% Islam. They appear to be stuck 200 years in the past where African Americans were once slaves and women weren't allowed to vote. And while racism and sexism are still present in 2014 we've still come a long way and matured as a culture. The reason the Middle East hasn't is because the radical extremists are still drinking the kool-aid. They're being brainwashes into following the much more violent parts of the Quaran that state Islam is a faith that needs to be spread by the sword. Unfortunately for a lot of people, religion says more about the ego of man than it does about creation.

I'm afraid all we can hope for is people of great Islamic power begin to preach tolerance and acceptance for their fellow man to a newer generation. Until that happens we will still have Islamic terrorists. Has anything changed since 9/11? Not really. They still want us dead. Cut off the head and another takes it place.
I pray for the favor of Lolth, Queen of Spiders - and I'm grateful for every blessing she bestows upon me and her unworthy children.


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