Your game of the year.

I'm going to have to pick the obvious choice...Uncharted 2. I would like to be a rebel and pick Demon's Souls, but I just can't bring myself to do it.
Games that came out this year or the best game in general that I have played this year?

2009 Release : Assassin's Creed II

In General : MGS4
Diabolus said:
I would like to be a rebel and pick Demon's Souls, but I just can't bring myself to do it.

Although I mentioned it in my post (but then again I nominated 3) Demon's Souls is in all actuality TOO HARD. I've owned it for over a month and just today got past level 1-1. If they put some kind of checkpoint system throughout the levels or simply let you save your progress anywhere it would be a much better game. It's a very good game, and very challenging, but just too hard.
schimmel said:
Diabolus said:
I would like to be a rebel and pick Demon's Souls, but I just can't bring myself to do it.

Although I mentioned it in my post (but then again I nominated 3) Demon's Souls is in all actuality TOO HARD. I've owned it for over a month and just today got past level 1-1. If they put some kind of checkpoint system throughout the levels or simply let you save your progress anywhere it would be a much better game. It's a very good game, and very challenging, but just too hard.

I agree. A simple 'save anywhere' or 'let's pause!' option would have made the game much more accessible. I haven't had too much trouble with it so far, but I'm using the strategy guide that came with the Collector's Edition. Which kind of ruins the point of playing a game in the first place. If you need to rely on a guide, the game is too fucking hard.
TheDiesel said:
Diabolus said:
If you need to rely on a guide, the game is too f****** hard.

Where does that put Ninja Gaiden II? That game is so hard the Strategy Guide doesn't even help. :?

That's a different kind of difficulty. It's a reflex-based game, where reaction time and knowledge of the move set are the keys to playing it. But there are no instances where you find enemies that you absolutely CAN NOT kill, or that can kill you with one hit.
TheDiesel said:
Diabolus said:
If you need to rely on a guide, the game is too f****** hard.

Where does that put Ninja Gaiden II? That game is so hard the Strategy Guide doesn't even help. :?

Ninja Gaiden 2 was really easy, I ran through the entire thing in about six hours. The first Ninja Gaiden, however, was a bitch and a half to beat, and the Black edition was even harder.

But try playing Deamon's Souls. You'll find a new meaning to the word 'frustration'.
schimmel said:
The first Ninja Gaiden, however, was a b**** and a half to beat, and the Black edition was even harder.

I beat Black on hard. Just imagine fighting every boss(even Alma)with other creatures/soldiers fighting you at the same time. :x
schimmel said:
But try playing Deamon's Souls. You'll find a new meaning to the word 'frustration'.

I'll have to rent it one day and see what it's like. :) *needs to set up Gamefly soon*
After extended play of all three that I mentioned in my first post I'm gonna have to say Dragon Age: Origins should dfinitely win, I'm on my second playthrough and it's still as fun as the first time
My award for best value goes to Torchlight. It's $5 on Steam right now. Get it if you don't already have it.
I second Torchlight.

Except for that damn Enchanter.

"Oh, I'm sorry. I just disenchanted your Epic Freakout Cowl at 2%. Now shoo, go away. Wait- why are you pointing that gun at me?"
Real tough not to give it to arkham asylum, which just had phenomenal production value...But i'm a deep choice-orientated RPG nut, so it has to be Dragon Age

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