GR 2013 GOTY round two - Black Flag vs. Shadow Warrior

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It's finally time for round two of our forum GOTY showdown 2013 edition (remember that year?).

For this round I've asked our intrepid users to write a haiku about their chosen game.

Please enjoy the haiku and then vote below for which game you want to see advance to the semifinals! Please bold your votes.

All haiku are [sic]. You all have terrible grammar.

Today's round two matchup is: Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag vs. Shadow Warrior






I Wish people realized that Haiku isn't just about the number of words, but also if it has a natural flow of speech.
Whom am i kidding here, the biggest book anyone read around here is Watchmen.

Anyway, Shadow warrior!
Lien said:
I Wish people realized that Haiku isn't just about the number of words, but also if it has a natural flow of speech.
Whom am i kidding here, the biggest book anyone read around here is Watchmen.

Anyway, Shadow warrior!

But if we factor in the numerous news articles, whether it be tech, sports, politics, etc that we have read over the years the amount read is no doubt longer than most pieces of literature.

I'm voting for Assassin's Creed. Shadow Warrior is undeniably a fun game but my heart is pulling me towards the sea and all that follows. Or...Whatever.
The longest book I've ever read was "Lien's Guide to Arguments: Write More to be Right More!"

The first chapter was nine hundred pages long.

Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag
Longo_2_guns said:
The longest book I've ever read was "Lien's Guide to Arguments: Write More to be Right More!"

The first chapter was nine hundred pages long.
Such an underrated classic. I can't believed it lost the awards to Longo's "EVERYTHING IS ALRIGHT, STOP BEING PASSIONATE ABOUT MY THINGS!" memoirs. I heard the author had to bribe to jury with new 52 comics. That or the cover with longo pointing at the readers with the sign "Not my fault, yours!" must of ticked something to the jurors.

And you seriously gonna say i write too much when you are defending a game whose lore is 500 essays in a roll? It has more Bulls*** then Kanye West's memoirs Here's my favorite part:
On 7 November 2000, George W. Bush, a puppet used by the Templars, won the American Presidential election against Al Gore, who was backed by the Assassins, and became President of the United States.
If it would be, shouldn't it have "Be" instead of "Are"? Or heck, why not even just "Arrr" instead?
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