Your Christmas loot - gaming stuff

Well played, sir.

The boys had a great Christmas. They got two DS Lites and like 10 games. They were super groggy and when they saw the DSs they were just stunned. I don't think they're emotions were capable of reflecting their excitement. But the true test of a great gift is in use. And they seriously played these things all day aside from when I had to tell them to turn them off.

I also just want to thank Affen. My wife and I were overwhelmed by your generosity in not only sending your DS, but also sending 3 of your games. Thank you from all of us here at the Bretimus compound. The sleepy excitement in this photo is dedicated to you.


And here's Mrs. Claus. My father-in-law says there is one on his camera where she's cupping butt. If I get it from him, I'll share it.

Sightless said:
Also, mix peanut butter and sugar to make excellent topping for any dish, cheesy or other.


Affen said:
If I squint my eyes real hard, I can pretend I'm playing LittleBigPlanet with my wool socks.

I couldn't ask for a better thank you Bret. I'm really glad it got there safe and the boys are enjoying it. The legacy lives on.
WII U black, cause it's cooler in black.

Platforming my way through New Super Mario Bros right now.

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