Worst bosses of all time.


State who and why.

Mine, Jinpachi Mishima from Tekken 5. He has no reason for being there, they just needed an end boss that wasn't filled with self hatred angst like Jin and would actually intimidate the player, becuase Devil Jin really isn't that scary, we saw it coming since the end of Tekken 3. Jinpachi is just thrown in for the sake of it as an extra final boss and to make things worse, they've managed to drag out the Mishima Demonic Blood line storyline even further by throwing the Jinpachi story arc into the mix.
Not only does he not need to be there, he's fucking weaksauce. I've played SNK bosses that are less annoying than him. He is one of the cheapest bosses i've ever come across. Unblockable attacks that don't charge and can be chained with more unblockable attacks is the gayest thing I've ever witnessed. You have better luck against Jinpachi if you lay the pad on the floor and let the gods of gaming do it for you. I used my best tactics on him, nothing. I used scrubby cheap shots against him, a fight fire with fire thing, that worked. What's the point in putting an end boss in, something that's there to test how far your skill has come on, if you can only defeat him with cheap scrub tactics? Get that shit out of here, should've had Devil Kazuya back to follow up the Devil Jin fight.
Beowulf'd Virgil from Devil May Cry 3. OMG, he flies all over the place. Trying to get close to him is tedious enough. But lining up a good combo -- Ugh. I spent a lot of time trying to kill him.

Fatman from MGS2 wasn't hard. But he sure was irritating. I don't know if any of you have seen it, but the recently released design documents from Kojima indicated that Fatman had three costumes -- His armor suit we know so well, a Hawaiian shirt, and a man-thong! Ugh. I would have stopped playing right there if I had been forced to see that.
Probably either Dural from Virtua Fighter or 'Unknown' from Tekken Tag. I mean really, can't these people come up with some interesting characters to end their game with? Dural was just a texureless wiremodel (kinda like the T-1000 except really jaggy and with a low poly count) and nameless was a naked girl covered in mud who had a gargoyle flying around behind her. Had nothing to do with any of the rest of the game. The Unknown.
The horseman boss from Ninja Gaiden (Xbox) was a pain. I believe he was the second actual boss of the game. Super fast, super resistant to damage, and every attack you threw wouldn't slow him down at all. Not to mention he had some kick-your-ass-in attacks of his own that were very hard to avoid.
The final boss in Final Fantasy 9, now while it was a brilliant enjoyable game... Final Fantasy games are notorious (which I love) to have a very tactical, hard last boss fight... so when I entered in the boss fight in FF9 and beat him first try without much effort what so ever... I guess I felt really, really shortchanged, just my own opinion... but after the difficulties of FF7 (well FF7 wasn't that bad)... but definately FF8, I really expected more out of that one. Ohh well... I still love the game.
Voxen said:
Probably either Dural from Virtua Fighter or 'Unknown' from Tekken Tag. I mean really, can't these people come up with some interesting characters to end their game with? Dural was just a texureless wiremodel (kinda like the T-1000 except really jaggy and with a low poly count) and nameless was a naked girl covered in mud who had a gargoyle flying around behind her. Had nothing to do with any of the rest of the game. The Unknown.

Unknown was actually an interesting character becuase their's a good chance she may be Jun Kazama. She's the first multi-style fighting game character I've been interested in before.
Guan_Yu said:
The horseman boss from Ninja Gaiden (Xbox) was a pain. I believe he was the second actual boss of the game. Super fast, super resistant to damage, and every attack you threw wouldn't slow him down at all. Not to mention he had some kick-your-ass-in attacks of his own that were very hard to avoid.

Hahaha. Every boss in Ninja Gaiden...I remember how hard the bosses were. It took me a while to beat the Skeletal Dinosaur thing..no health potions..2 hits until I died..eventually got it. That pink boss was the most annoying though.
Voxen said:
Probably either Dural from Virtua Fighter or 'Unknown' from Tekken Tag. I mean really, can't these people come up with some interesting characters to end their game with? Dural was just a texureless wiremodel (kinda like the T-1000 except really jaggy and with a low poly count) and nameless was a naked girl covered in mud who had a gargoyle flying around behind her. Had nothing to do with any of the rest of the game. The Unknown.

It's like a written law that all fighting games have to have a boss thats made of metal/plastic that can mould into any character from the game.

Boss battles are usually dull and frustrating and the world would be a better place without them (same as underwater levels).
Worst boss,......pick any boss from Ikaruga. That is one of the toughest group of bosses I have ever fought against. really fun, but so damn hard, it took me a LONG time to get through them all.
The worst boss? I dunno, there's been so many awful ones, I don't know where to start.

Well, the Tekken 5 end guy was pretty horrid. Man, I screamed a lot at my PS2 everytime I got up to him. I'm still reeling from that 'PERFECT!' I got against him that one time with Julia, or whatever that 'hippy chick' is called.

I'd also call Oddjob from Goldeneye: Rouge Agent a bad boss. Mainly as how EA hyped up the battle with him, then made the player kill him off in a cutscene.

Nega Filgaia from Wild Arms 3 was a real pain. All 10 forms of it.

Other than those, I got nothing right now.
Mr. X


Stand outside the range of his attacks, Duck, press the kick button like crazy, gg.
Literally the worst boss.





Grey said:
State who and why.

Mine, Jinpachi Mishima from Tekken 5. He has no reason for being there, they just needed an end boss that wasn't filled with self hatred angst like Jin and would actually intimidate the player, becuase Devil Jin really isn't that scary, we saw it coming since the end of Tekken 3. Jinpachi is just thrown in for the sake of it as an extra final boss and to make things worse, they've managed to drag out the Mishima Demonic Blood line storyline even further by throwing the Jinpachi story arc into the mix.
Not only does he not need to be there, he's **** weaksauce. I've played SNK bosses that are less annoying than him. He is one of the cheapest bosses i've ever come across. Unblockable attacks that don't charge and can be chained with more unblockable attacks is the gayest thing I've ever witnessed. You have better luck against Jinpachi if you lay the pad on the floor and let the gods of gaming do it for you. I used my best tactics on him, nothing. I used scrubby cheap shots against him, a fight fire with fire thing, that worked. What's the point in putting an end boss in, something that's there to test how far your skill has come on, if you can only defeat him with cheap scrub tactics? Get that **** out of here, should've had Devil Kazuya back to follow up the Devil Jin fight.

I wish that gay meant unblockable attacks, but unfortunately, I'm not a Tekken character.

But I would have to agree that Jinpachi was a severe lapse in design. Tekken should be based on skill (please exclude beginner-copiera users) and Jinpachi just throws that out of the door. If you can't select a boss as a character, chances are that they are over-powered, cheap, or synonyms thereof. If you are not going to be fair, then at least be sensible.
The way I've seen it, Jinpachi was basically a rip-off of Tengu in Dead Or Alive 2. Think about it they both look very similar, they're both pretty hard and they both have absolutely no reason to be in either game that I can fathom at least! I totally agree though, Jinpachi Mishima reminds me that thing sitcom writers do when there show is starting to go a bit stale, that is bringing new members into the family! And, as anyone who visits JumpTheShark will testify, that's never a good idea!

Anyways, my other personal beté-noire bosses:-

Yu Yevon(Final Fantasy X)
After the frankly epic fight with Jecht, Yu Yevon for me at least was a massive disapointment. The fact that it was more for cinematic purposes, meaning you couldn't actually die and that he didn't really have much more HP/strong attacks than your common garden variety boss, just seemed like a bit of a cheat really. I know Square have done this many times before with FF bosses, but it just didn't seem right here for some reason.

Mysterio(Spiderman 2)
You meet him in a shop for the final confrontation! You find out his health bar is FIVE TIMES the size of all the other bosses you face in the game! Then you punch him once and he goes down, revealing himself to be nothing more than a nerd in a costume! What a cheat!

Onaga(Mortal Kombat Deception)
MK Final Bosses used to be really hard. Anybody who pumped thousands of quarters into the MK1 machine in an attempt to beat Goro will testify with me here. And it remained this way up to the recent MK Deadly Alliance. So the fact that Onaga, a being which managed to destroy Shang Tseug, Quan Chi AND Raiden, goes down pretty easily with one person in MKD just ain't fair IMO.

Unknown(Tekken Tag Tournament)
Rather like Jinpachi, Unknown existed in for no reason, seemed have no effect on what little storyline there was in that game, and wasn't even that great a fighter, as she was basically just Mokujin in pseudo-human form. So at least she must've been pretty hard to beat then? Ummmm, no not really! Basically she was a waste.

Knuckles(Sonic & Knuckles)
Maybe it was just me but the final confrontation with Knuckles, the one which persuades him to fight alongside Sonic in future, always seemed very anitclimatic. Maybe it was because Knuckles remained in his normal form, maybe it was because Robotnik didn't give him any fancy pieces of equipment to maul Sonic with, whatever way it just felt a bit cheap to me.

That Annoucer Guy(Smash TV)
Granted it WAS only a bonus feature, but surely Midway could've done something a bit more original then simply making the Announcer boss a new skin for Mutoid Man? As a child, this was probably the first boss fight I ever felt disapointed in!

That's about all I can think of for now!
You should take into account that Tekken Tag is not a canonical Tekken game. It was a side game done for players to pit everyone (minus five characters from the series) against each other to see how they'd fair. It was the Tekken version of MK Trilogy; not related to the story, just done for fun. Becuase of this, they had to work out who the boss is without screwing up the story, so they bring in a new boss with no ties to anyone. It makes it work. Personally I thought Unknown was an interesting character. Jun had disappeared by T3, Unknown suddenly turns up as a posessed woman who looks remarkably like Jun and even though she's a copy player, her default stance is always Jun's stance. How can that not trigger a "wait wut?" thought? :)

Jinpachi deserves to be skull fucked.
Yeah, that's a good point, didn't think of that. TTT wasn't an actual part of the Tekken series, and I suppose Unknown is a rather interesting character, I never noticed the simularities between her and Jun I must confess but they're certainly there now I think about it.

Probably my annoyance with the character is more to do with the fact that Namco never utilised her in any of the "real" Tekkens. Again, maybe this was a bit much to ask, but I honestly thought when I was younger that when Tekken 4 came out she'd once again be the final boss, meaning we'd find out more about the Unknown character and perhaps solve the mystery as to who she actually is.....

......instead we got Heihachi in a sumo-thong as the final boss on Tekken 4, something I don't think any of us really needed to see! :p

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