Stupidity in the online world of gaming


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So I'm guessing we've all got stories from stupid things we've seen in online gaming. Whether it's MMOs or RTS games, X-Box LIVE etc, we've all seen and heard a lot. So, post your stories here of moments that are just incredibly stupid. I'll start.

So I used to play City of Heroes a fair bit back in 2007. One day of playing I can recall so easily. The party I'm in and myself are all around level 20 or so, I'm playing as a Dark Melee/Dark Armour scrapper (melee combatant). On our team we've got this Fire/Kinetics controller. Basically a physically weak guy who attacks with fire attacks while having the abilities to buff his or her team mates.

So we've got a party (or team) of five and six, and this guy is a complete idiot. He isn't doing any fighting at all, he's just standing there in the background as we try and fight. He is in the background talking and complaining, "y am i not gettin enuf xp" "i want more xp" "i need to lvl up"

Eventually, we all get annoyed at him and tell him to do something. So he starts running around the mission, and somehow brings back two or three groups worth of enemies. We try and fight these enemies, but we're all killed. He then approaches all of our fallen bodies, and asks...

"y u die"

He was instantly kicked from the team.

So, post your stories. :P
level a healer in WoW and pug all the time, you'll get some stories. i once did a dungeon that takes about 30 mins MAX and it took roughly 2 hours to get through it, all the while im scanning the lfg trying to get out of my horrible horrible group. Tanking is not rocket science in the level 20 instances!!!! seastriker was his name btw. If u get a chance, kick him in the groin, cuz he transfered servers...
City of Heroes/Villains that was ages ago for me. I played a Blaster and had so much fun with it. Combined with flying a Blaster has the best time in the world. Fly up high, take aim and blast an enemy down. Combined with the ability to knockback enemies I was a sight to behold.

Basically: I flew up to rooftops were enemies were standing around, then I let a AoE blast go off and see half the group fall down to the streets. Hilarious!

I wasn't well liked in groups because they all felt I should stand well back while others pull. Bullshit, I could nuke one enemy down while the rest of the group dealth with the rest of the mob. I think I knew my class better than most people and the risk I could take. Never died in a group because of my actions and neither did my teammates. I maybe was an ass that way in a group, but I simply don't have the time to discuss tactics at any weak mob while we can just blast the enemies down in a Zerg rush.

Less talking more killing!

Seriously though, I could not pull a crazy stunt like that in say... WoW. I think the Blaster is comparable to the Mage class and booming the shit out of mobs in an instance while the tank has not established aggro is suicide in WoW, in CoH/V it's really no problem.
Ever played Resistance 2 online? Here's how it goes...

Nobody understands that you need to balance the amount of each class to win a co-op mission. Before the game starts, you'll usually have enough of each, then one or two idiots decide that only one medic and spec-op will be enough to keep 6 soldiers alive. And usually spec-ops completely disregard the fact that they're supposed to give everyone ammo, and when everyone starts dying they instantly blame anyone but themselves.

Then there's CoD4. If somebody team kills you without any good reason or explanation, you have the right to do the same to them. But ofttimes they get pissy and kill you again after you killed them for killing you.

Then there's people who are terrible at planting claymores, and make them completely visible to anyone walking by.

And my favorite, playing search and destroy, someone goes to the wrong objective after the bomb is planted.
I'm not even going to get started on my Left 4 Dead woes. THAT is definitely a game that is only fun to play online with friends.
I never play online. Playing online multiplayer with imbecilic strangers is like going to the subway to play chess with some frothing vagrants. In my opinion, if you want to play multiplayer, play it with your buddies. That's what I do. Either that, or stick to single player.
Some guys started hitting on me last night on WoW. It was just hilarious. They kept following me around and using lame pick up lines. So I told them I was a dude and they ran away. hehe
"Hey babe, want to feel my 'Gigantique' Bag rub against your chin?"
"Want to let me ride you like an epic Netherwing Drake?"
"I'm going to bring new meaning to Wailing Caverns!"
This one really pissed me off. Just the other day I was playing Gears of War 2 on Xbox LIVE! in a party with 4 of my friends. Then someone I don't know joins the party. Turns out he's friends with just one other person in the party. Now for those of you who don't know, in Gears 2 the maximum amount of players on one team is 5. Since it was me and the other 4 in the party on our team, it was full. Well this guy, who sounds like he's about 12 so he's already pissing me off, starts bitching about our team being full to his friend, and says we should just kick the person who's doing the worst so he can play in their spot. I happen to be the person in last on our team. I have 4 kills, the next highest person has....4 kills. In fact, I was only doing the worst by about 50 points, and the fact that I had any kills at all showed I was contributing to the team. Not only that, but the host on our team was my buddy whom I am actually friends with in real life. In fact, he lives right down the hall from me. So not only was this little fucktard (who was only friends with one member of our party) joining our full party and telling us to kick me so he can play, but his friend wasn't even the host. He was bossing around my friend, telling him to kick me so he could play. Needless to say, I gave that little shit a reality check, followed by every single member of our party. My buddy then proceeds to kick him from the party. Over the course of the next few matches, the little shit keeps joining our party, bitching at us, getting kicked out, lather, rinse, repeat. We told the guy who knows him to stop inviting him. He apologized and said he was only doing it so he could laugh at him running his mouth and being completely retarded. Finally, the kid is kicked for the last time, and the guy who was "friends" with him announced that he removed him from his buddy list. Good riddance, pissant.
I was playing Halo 3, killed a person and pushed down on the right joystick over the body, same thing happened to me.

I was playing Super Mario the other day, i found a mushroom out in the woods near my house figuring i would grown twice my size, nope. I just got a little sick, by sick i mean tripping.

I was playing Gears of War 2, was in a match full of lag. So i held in the B button, lost connection to server

I was playing Guitar Hero 3, Through The Fire and Flames on Expert, got to 98 %, failed.

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