Who should be the next U.S. President?

Green_Lantern said:
WickedLiquid said:
Urbz there will be plenty of time to experience hell when we die. For now let's live a president-trump-free life.

He wasn't saying that, he was saying more that he'd like to see Bernie wipe the floor with Trump in the presidential debates, which would be quite hilarious.

Forgot to mention I was also 90% for the Hil-dawg.

This, and it would be extremely comical.
I think he meant that they're both brash, boisterous speakers. It would be like an SNL skit.
Master_Craig said:
I don't know much about American politics, but I seriously can't believe Donald Trump is in the running, let alone that people are actually voting for him.
In all fairness, as recent history has shown it doesn't really matter who they vote in, they're fucked anyway, so why not vote for something ridiculous?

I'm at the point where i'd vote for fucking kyle sandilands for PM if given the chance, he can't do any worse
My bad. I'm just scared that a country who voted in George W Bush would do the same for Trump.

I mean not all Americans are as smart as youse guys.
WickedLiquid said:
My bad. I'm just scared that a country who voted in George W Bush would do the same for Trump.

I mean not all Americans are as smart as youse guys.

I'll never understand the world's fascination with American politics :hmm:

Trump says a lot of things he'll never do, but none of that makes him any better or worse than any other president. It's a position, not a sainthood. He's not donning the cape and cowl for America, he's just the figurehead we'll point to first.
Furthermore, if you are a democrat or side with the left, what better way to put the nail in the coffin of the GOP than by voting in this guy?
If you can stand 4 years of this blowhard the payoff will be a lifetime of wins for the Democratic party, basking in the light of the land of lgbt, female and minority voters...not exactly the land of milk and honey, but it's 2015 and who am I to argue that point.
That is unless Trump does a good job, and that's what the real buzz about Trump is all about ;)

Fuck it. If the Kardashians can be celebrities then why can't Trump be President? 'Merica, fuck yeah.
Optimus-Crime said:
I'll never understand the world's fascination with American politics :hmm:
It's kind've like when you see a playground fight breakout between the kids from that special class and can't stop watching
Bernie Sanders?

Honestly he is the only candidate I like because he is trying to incite progressive changes.

Whether or not they work...well see of course. He may not get elected, but one can hope.
madster111 said:
Optimus-Crime said:
I'll never understand the world's fascination with American politics :hmm:
It's kind've like when you see a playground fight breakout between the kids from that special class and can't stop watching

And then the Harvard law grad gets elected president while your baby gets eaten by a dingo?
Trump's presidential slogan.


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