Which girl do you think is better?

Which girl is better?

  • Krissy

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Jackie

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters


Alright guys and girls, usually, I can't get a girl to even look at me but as of now their are two that are intrested in me! No, I'm not trying to show off, I honestly want to know which girl you would perfer out of the two. And I'm sure if either of them saw me do this they'd think of me as a freak, but I feel safe since GR is a small community and I just want an opinion.

Krissy Age 19
-Thinks I'm funny
-Great taste in Music
-Likes to poke fun at others like I do (but not in a mean way...)
-Very Intelligent

-Might be a gold digger
-Doesn't like video games
-Has some jealousy issues
-I've been told by others she can act like a bItch, although I haven't seen it

Jackie Age 18
-Fun and flirty
-Likes video games
-Very open about her sexuality
-Likes to drink and party

-Has a very angry ex-boyfriend
-I've been told she's "been around" but I don't know that for sure
-Likes a lot of crappy music (Like Ashlee Simpson and a bunch of Emo shit)
-Has a strict father who's trying to tame her (cause she is a bit wild)
Hell if I know! ^.^

We really cant tell you anything, except for the second likes videogames (++tis a plus++). And which one is hotter is also what we can tell you.

Other than that it's your decision.
I know that it's my choice! But it's hard man! It's been a long time since a girl has been intrested in me and now I've gotta pick between two. I just want some opinions from people who don't know them. So either spam it up or help me out dammit!
They're both hot! But I'd go with Jackie cause she's a wild girl and that's my type. I love a girl who can drink and party all night with me. Plus, she likes video games so go for her man! She might be a one night stand but that's chance I'd be willing to take cause I'd hit it.
ooh! polls are tied, exciting!

i've been in that exact situation several times, so i'll say right now, pick one NOW and go all out for her or you'll end up with neither. i speak from extensive experience.
"So, You're ready for a relationship" -- one of the best books I've ever read.

The first one sounds like the keeper here.
Might be a gold digger, really? How so? Share with the class!
Her taste in music is very important, unless the other girl will listen to your music without ever playing hers (wtf, Aerosmith?!...sorry, my problems, not yours)
You say she's intelligent, that's good! So when you do get into the inevitable fight and argument she'll always be on the side of sound logic and reason, just like a man. Right? Right?


Krissy not liking video games shouldn't be a problem (but some girls really hate that about guys, some don't). Some would suggest that you should try to get her to play them slowly and maybe over time she'll come across, but I've never known the guy who taught the girl how to play video games, I've always got with the girl after she's been taught how to play. Video games I mean!, video games people, video games. (DON'T LIE, YOU WERE SO THINKING THAT) Screw it, teach her how to play Burnout Revenge, girls love that game! (Crash Party Mode)
Jealousy goes away in time...so how long are you talking about being in a relationship anyways? Because the second girl seems like the perfect short time fling that could end up being something more while the first seems like a real relationship type (anniversaries and such, of course).

The second girl sounds fun but not so stable.
Tough decision! Maybe you can introduce them to each other and ... this will only work once in your lifetime, mind you, but this could be your time so....!
hmmm, then again maybe you should just pick the first girl.

whar R D pictures!??
*warms up photoshopping photoshopper*
5 starred ytmnd? Soon baby, soooon.

I agree with Chris. A girl liking videogames really isn't a big deal. V has kicked my ass in Mario Kart, Mario Party, Mario Golf and (Gasp) Tetris. Although I have her beat on anything with a higher ESRB raiting I really wish she liked Football instead.

Also... very angry ex-boyfriends are not a good thing. I was one.
K guys, for those of you who say both, I have gone out with both of them. Which is why I say they like me and which is why I have to pick one.

Thanks homies, you all have a spot in my heart.
yeah, but when you have both you really have none. it's not a real relationship unless it's one on one.
I was with three girls at once, it sucked. SO much juggling and lying, it sucked. It's so much better one on one.
Blackstar, you need to tell Typewriter that the Great night of spamming was on the 10th, not the 12th.

And your quagmire: Jackie sounds like it'll be a whole lot more of a hoot if you choose her. So I say Jackie.

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