Where do you see yourself in 10 years?


The title says it all. I, for one, couldn't have imagined where I'd be 10 years ago, as I was but a sophomoric teenager in pursuit of instantaneous pleasure. Not to say that too much has changed regarding my general disposition towards life, but I feel as if I've garnered several "life-changing" experiences that have molded my current personality and the way I perceive reality, life, and future.

By that token, I hope that in 10 years I would hopefully have established a career as either a small entrepreneur focusing on digital advertising in Morocco, or have a career-track job at a reputable company. I also believe I would be married with 1 kid, and perhaps another on the way. Lastly, I hope I would've somehow convinced some bank to grant me a sizable mortgage so that I could build my own house (this has been a dream of mine ever since I was old enough to dream of such things).

How about you?

A career in pharmaceuticals, a thick chick by my side, living in San Antonio.
I have no aspirations of more homes or property. I have that already and the yard work sucks. So I'd be down with a large apartment or a loft.
Hopefully i'll have a nice house and i'll be importing Nissan GTRs from japan for $30k and selling them for $60k, probably keeping one and modifying it so i'll have one of the quickest 0-100 cars in Aus.

Will likely have the highest minion rank you can get in the RAAF.
Steady job with a standard annual pay, with a pension.

I'd just like a modest house with a modest pay and a non troublesome life. I'd hate to be a divorcee or anything like that. My biggest fear is probably being cheated on!
Icepick said:
I just hope I'm not in jail...

I have large ambitious dreams
Speaking of jail. I'm wondering how Mitchy is doing. I'm pretty sure he's the one that goes to jail all the time and comes back to leave a post.
MattAY said:
My biggest fear is probably being cheated on!

Bros before hoes my good chap.

I'd like to see myself moved out of this apartment into a nice house with a nice family. Nothing too posh since i'm not a materialistic guy. It's always important to set goals but they have to be realistic goals. Otherwise when you're having a mid-life crisis it'll feel 10 times as bad.
Comfortable, in a nice house, but small house. I'm still not sure I want kids. I might just foster, because I want to influence and help young people, but I don't know if I want the huge financial burden than comes along with kids. I don't see myself ever having enough money to do it in a way I consider acceptable.

I don't need a lot of money to be happy. I just want enough to live comfortably, eat well, go out on the weekends, the occasional dinner out, and go on maybe a trip every year or two.

What i will be doing, I still have no idea. That's the scary part.
I'd like to be living in a small house by the water. Sea preferably, but a lake or river will do. Not sure what I'd do for a living, but something self-employment. Maybe a nice woman by my side.

That would be ideal. I'm afraid I'll just be in the same situation as now saying "it's only temporary" for the rest of my life and never achieving it.
I don't even know what ten years from now is. I can't imagine it, because the rate of change in technology is increasing, and personally, a lot of life things haven't sorted themselves out yet.

I'd like if it I were able to travel to some places in the next decade. I don't think I particularly enjoy travelling, but there are many people I'd like to meet.

I also want to become unallergic to felines, so that I can surround myself with kittens and fulfill my destiny of becoming a crazy cat lady.
In 10 years I'm going to have a house with my girl friend, (so my wife) I'll have kids and I'll be working my dream job of being a game tester. Probably still play guitar on the side. A demitasse of parties will ensue I'm sure. I will be happy not working for the man and working for the video game man.

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