What to get next....


So lately I've been going crazy with video games. I've been trying to play more than I should be.

I recently purchased Assassin's Creed Brotherhood, Red Dead Redemption, Bioshock 2, Arkham Asylum, Demon Knights and rented Bulletstorm. I still want more! With so many great games on sale right now I want to take full advantage of it. I'm thinking:

Alan Wake
Heavy Rain
Uncharted 2
Killzone 2

I didn't particularly care for the Killzone 2 demo all that much but I did kind of give up after getting my ass kicked. Uncharted 2....Well I still have to beat Uncharted and I've had it for over a year. LBP, the demo impressed me but I'm not sure if I'd get tired of it. It's kind of been down to Alan Wake and Heavy Rain. I've also been thinking of picking up something for the Wii so it doesn't collect dust.

I enjoyed the HR demo, save for the FBI Agent's bit but unfortunately there hasn't been an Alan Wake demo :(

Maybe I'll just go for easy achievements and get the PoP The Forgotten Sands lol.
used44 said:
Play Orange Box, mother f*****.
Second that, so much

If you have a xbox there is a sale this week 33% select xbox originals meaning only 800 points and these games include Halo 1, Fable 1, Max Payne 1 and 2 and burnout 3. If you don't have a xbox then..... Orange Box or Just Cause 2, I'm playing Crysis 2 now and in my opinion it's probably worth a buy I say probably because since I got it from gamely there's no point now, when I return it I won't want anything else from it but it's an awesome game
Hmm. I might get that one. I've really wanted Heavy Rain and Alan Wake or a while though. But Uncharted 1 is quite a bit of fun....
I wouldn't go with Alan Wake, personally. Of that list, I'd go with LBP, then Uncharted.
I actually got Alan Wake, Heavy Rain, and Tatsu vs Capcom all at the same time. Guess which one was the best? I'll give you a hint, it wasn't Alan Wake or Heavy Rain.
Seriously is no one else gonna mention the best game to buy? I have to e the one to say it? *sigh*..... next game you should buy is Barbie's Horseback Adventures.... Talk about game of the decade.

Killzone 2 is worth a rental I enjoyed the first and the second was good, the multiplayer is kind of neat and will provide entertainment for quite some time. There's a offline bot multiplayer mode that you can do if bot skirmishes are interesting to you as much as there are to me (for some reason I spend more time playing mock mathes with a.i. Than the actual multiplayer in games like that, not cause I suck but just cause)
Well then, it looks like it's Heavy Rain and Uncharted 2 for now.

I may hold off. I mean hell, I have so many unbeaten, unplayed games here.
The thing that makes me apprehensive about Uncharted 2 is that the first one....I loved it for the first bit of me playing it but now it's feeling repetitive - Run up a couple bits of stairs - Enemies. Kill them, run a tiny bit more, more enemies. Maybe I'm just on a level where there isn't much exploration or "adventure" and the action calms down again.
Picked up Heavy Rain. Played past the intro to the FBI agent and I'm loving it so far. Controls and highlighting objects you can interact with can get a little wonky sometimes but overall it's a lot of fun right now.
I enjoyed it. There are some plot holes, but when you really compare it to most video game plots...

Looks like I will be purchasing Bad Comp 2, Castlevaynia and Enslaved...or some games of a similar variety.
I'm thinking about Enslaved. Gamestop has it for 14.99 right now, along with Majin. I might just get those two.

Or...You know, beat the games I currently have. If you get Enslaved, let me know what you think of it.

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