Decision making: ps3 or 360?

PS3 or Xbox 360 for me?

  • PS3

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  • Xbox 360

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Well, I've recently been saving to get a PS3 or an Xbox 360, but I cannot decide, I would like a PS3 for MGS4, Killzone 2, and the other PS3 exclusives, and it also has free multiplayer service unlike the Xbox 360.

But on the other hand, the 360 has amazing exclusives like Halo, Fable 2 and soon Splinter Cell: Conviction, also I hear Xbox LIVE is much better than PSN, despite having to pay annually for it's services.

I would buy one of the 2 packages below are the PS3 80GB bundle with KZ2 and MGS4 and the Xbox 360 Elite Game of the Year edition, and they are the same price and both have two games, so If you would all be kind enough, please help me decide which to buy. ... 8099072505 ... 8085597958
Okay, so you're looking at the Elite and the 80GB PS3 bundle with Killzone and MGS4. You should have specified that other than just listing links. No offense but it makes comments easier.

Let's start with the pros:
Xbox 360:
Amazing Xbox Live play, granted it has a fee, but you have a lot of updates and support to keep it fresh, as well as a lot more Xbox Live Arcade games and videos than the PS3
Exclusives like Halo and others, fantastic community support for them
120 GB HDD (for the Elite) that's detatchable so you can take it anywhere
Fallout 3 expansions RIGHT NOW

PlayStation 3:
Free online
Metal Gear Solid, Killzone, Uncharted 2
Battery-free controller (well it has a lithium battery but you get a mini USB cable with it to plug and charge)
Blu Ray player
Able to wirelessly connect to any computer registered on your home network
Out-of-the-box WiFi

Xbox 360:
No Blu Ray Support, only supports SD DVDs
Battery (AA) operated wireless controllers
$10/month or $50/year for Xbox Live
Halo 3 and Fable 2 aren't that great

PlayStation 3:
No Fallout expansions
Possible HDD failure (yellow light of death)
Blu Ray loading times can sometimes be slower than the standard DVD-ROM
Sometimes choppy framerate on 3rd party games
Less maintained (but still damn good) online service

Personally since they're the same price I'd go with the PS3 right now JUST BECAUSE it comes with two fantastic games with it. I swear those games will keep you busy for a long time, whereas the 360 Elite does not come with games, but it does come with a headset and an ethernet cable to connect to the internet right away. The two free games and the out of the box WiFi meaning you don't even have to connect a network cable to it to get it to recognize anything is enough to sell me.

Did I mention I own both consoles so I kind of have a decent grasp over which is better?

One thing to remember about the PS3 though. If you want it in HD, make sure that with the console you order, order an HDMI cable with it. And not a pansy-ass cheap HDMI cable, but a good one. That way it won't crap out on you. Think about it this way, with Xbox Live when you set it up you'll be paying about $50 for the year, so why not drop $20-$30 on a good HDMI cable and save $20 still in the end?

EDIT I just noticed the Elite comes with two games for free too, but honestly Halo 3 and Fable 2 don't compare to Metal Gear Solid 4 and Killzone 2. I've played all four of them and the PS3 games that are bundled are worlds better. That being said, disregard what I said above about the Elite not coming with games.
Well, so far I think I'm going to get a PS3, and I'm not gonna use it in HD because well I don't have an HDTV
If you have a decent gaming PC, get the PS3 definitely. 75% of the worthwhile 'exclusives' on 360 are also on PC.
if you wanna save money buy a modded 360 and just burn all the games you want

But if you have "morals" (like none of you people download music) then get a PS3.
ps3 is much better. sure, most 3rd party support sucks, but 1st party is much better and more creative than 360. 360 is gonna end up like nintendo with the same 4 ip's. where has sony is always looking to expand their orginals i.p. and sides, xbox live has ad's now, disgusting.......
Also, remember that for the 360, if you dont have an ethernet cable you have to buy a wireless adapter. They cost the same as a new game.

PSN is on the rise too. Soon it'll be more popular because it's simply free.
I'm still waiting the days when PS3 will actually charge for online multi-playing.
but...I can't decide which one is better because I own a 360 but not i can't really determine my result
they're both equally good consoles as far as I'm concerned

it really depends on what kinda games you like. if you like rpg's go for a PS3. if you like fps' go for a 360.

i like rpg's and MGS4 so I chose the PS3, plus being able to play blu-ray movies is pretty swet 8)
Tangerine said:
But if you have "morals" (like none of you people download music)

Hey now, you can't compare music to games. My belief is that if I don't like a band except for a few songs they don't deserve my money because the bulk of their album isn't good, and if the bulk of the album isn't good why should you pay $10-$15? Plus, studio albums are great and all, but if I'm gonna give a band money they had better come perform live. All bands know this today, they know that the live shows are where the money is at.
Games are a different story, they can't tour live, so the finished product is all they have. If they're good enough, they're worth money. If not then nobody buys them.
schimmel said:
My belief is that if I don't like a band except for a few songs they don't deserve my money because the bulk of their album isn't good, and if the bulk of the album isn't good why should you pay $10-$15?

Well nowadays with iTunes and all those other online music stores, that is not an good excuse, because you can buy just the songs you like.

Yeah anyway, I would turn to ps3 in this case.
^ Alright, I'll repeat my position, if I'm gonna give a band money, I'd rather do it seeing them live. Also, most bands are associated with the RIAA or some company like them. Sales of songs on iTunes primarily go to the RIAA with the bands possibly seeing maybe a cent from it but sometimes not. When a band tours they do see more money than they would when they sell an album.

But back to the topic at hand. I'm still saying PS3
It all depends on the market. the PS3 is fixing to fail because of the economy, therefore less games are being made for it. The PS3 has a few good games for it, and is a more powerful machine than the cheaper 360's. It doesn't, however, have as many good games as the 360, but that will change if more people buy the PS3. ultimately, its up to you to predict where the market will set its money on gaming consoles.
Well, from what I've heard from my buddies with 360s (I only know 3 other people with PS3s around here, everyone else has 360s), the PS3 online doesn't have as many of the whiny 12-year-olds that everyone hates. No offence to any 12-year-olds, but whereas I hear my friends constantly complaining about the "whiny 12-year-old" that they played on Halo 3/Gears 2, I've ran into at most, 30 whiny 12-year-olds with mikes in over 60 hours of play time on Killzone 2, and for CoD:WaW, I've ran into at most 50 over 3-4 days worth of play time. So, if you dislike playing whiny 12-year-olds, and want to play with a more mature, deeper-voiced community, I'd get a PS3.

Wow, I actually just wrote that much about how PS3 has less 12-year-olds than the 360... I just realized how retarded that is. Anyways, get a PS3, it'll make you happy in more ways than one :wink: .
The PS3 will be getting the Netflix instant watch service.

For gaming, I say the 360. For all around media usage, I say the PS3.
Well, due to most of you recommending a PS3, and the exclusives it has and that are coming, such as, Uncharted, Resistance, KZ2, MGS4, MAG, GT5, inFamous, Heavy Rain, and God of War 3, and I need a Blu-ray player, I have decided to but the PS3, but I'm still $100 bucks short so, probably by September I will have purchased and received it. My opinion is still open to change however. Thanks so far
Cool, when you order it love the hell out of it. When I got mine my 360 got sidelined... but that's because I got a few games that I got to play on it. My 360 is back up now though because I finally decided to beat Broken Steel (the Fallout 3 expansion) and it's still fun. But still, enjoy your PS3 when you get it, and you should really invest in an HDTV and a HDMI cable when you have the money

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