What are ya playing?

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Luckily I managed to find a guy who will have it fixed by tomorrow for only like 40 bucks. Which is cheaper than buying the stuff to do it myself.
I hope that works out for you. If you get it back to working condition, immediately run the backup utility. The most depressing thing that can come out of this situation is losing everything.
Bioshock Infinite, Burial At Sea Episode 2

It is so refreshing to have a new single player, story driven, shooter. Even though it is very short.
I got bored of playing the first Infamous, so I started playing Infamous: Second Son. Great logic, right? I'm having better fun with it so far. I'll go back to the other Infamous games, because there are some Cole references I want to understand.
Splitting time between Diablo III (Picked it up for $20 from the bnet store) and the FF X HD remaster.

I'm enjoying Diablo a lot more than I thought I would even in spite of needing to be connected all the time and FF X is probably my favorite out of the series so getting to go through it again all these years later with the HD remake is pretty sweet.
Gal Civ II, slow start to the empire but once it got rolling, it rolled down the hill and over the cliff, speeding up Industry, Technology and planet grabbing colony ships. Another 3 hours lost.
I got my PS3 back and am playing Stick of Truth.

God, it truly is a magnificent game. Gameplay is a bit easy, but fun nonetheless.

I loved the part where they say "Fighting is useless. Do you want to come peacefully?" And then even if you win the fight they just hit you with a hammer and you get taken away.
Finished Infamous: Second Son. I would probably give this game the same score Daniel game his review.

(SPOILERS! The game was fun. Lots of area to explore, but Augustine's battles are too easy. Eugene's was a b*tch to me. They did mention some Cole references with those phone calls, so now I have to play the other two.)
What am I playing now?

I took a dip back in the old-school gaming pool:

"TEENAGE MUTANT NINJA TURTLES: FALL of the FOOT CLAN" for the original GameBoy.
Professor Layton vs. Phoenix Wright.

I feel guilty for starting it when I still have Azran Legacies to complete, but I just had to see how the game plays out. Looks sweet so far. Animated scenes are top notch and interface is really sleek. The game plays like the 3ds Layton games (at least in the start) so nothing new there.
Well, after it went on sale during it's recent free weekend, I picked up and have been playing PAYDAY 2: The Heist.

It's rather fun, though the initial few heists are a bit of a drag. Logged 20 hours, and am now at rank 40, so I've got some decent gear. Very few masks, though. Only found one post-heist so far.
I finished the main mission of Metal Gear Solid V: Ground Zeroes and unlocked the "side ops" stuff while I've also been back to playing Infamous: Second Son.

Ground Zeroes (warning - spoilers ahead):

I finished the main mission in just over seventy minutes on my first attempt. I took a stealthy, non-lethal approach using the tranq pistol. Also ended up rescuing all of the POW's. I think due to my time and due to having to use Reflex mode a few times, I ended up getting an A ranking. The cut scene at the end (particularly when Paz is on board the helicopter) was very intense. In regards to the gameplay, I quite like the changes, how nimble Snake feels and I like how the stealth has gone back to "basics", e.g. using cover, staying low, moving slow etc.

While I did enjoy the game, it was very short and while it did leave me wanting more, I was ultimately disappointed by its length and what I had paid for it... at the very least, the side ops missions are available and I've finished a few of them, but I do see the potential opportunity for replay value, to replay the missions to try and get better scores and results and to do things differently.

No idea how you're supposed to finish the assault/rescue by helicopter mission with no kills though...

Infamous: Second Son (warning - spoilers ahead):

I recently got the Neon powers and they're fun, especially when you get the infinite run power. I also recently got the third power set, being the "Video" power... it's a very odd power to have but it's clever and interesting. The angel wings glide thing is pretty cool. I think though Neon is probably my favourite at this rate. The story is getting quite interesting, to me at least.

Sadly, I also have South Park: The Stick of Truth (PS3) and Thief (PC) to play but I'm unfortunately neglecting them both. More so South Park, because Thief I don't actually find that interesting.
I played through two more chapters of The Banner Saga tonight. Damn that game is tough. I'm really enjoying the combat but it is unforgiving and still a little mystifying. Like the only way to rank up your soldiers is by increasing their kill count, but some of my characters are built for breaking armor, not getting kills. So they'll never advance! It feels a little like FF9, trying to get the killing blow with a certain character to give them the bonus, except often in Banner Saga I don't have that luxury. Just have to scrape through by any means necessary.
I think the South Park game has the most accurate portrayal of girls I've seen. And for that I must give it props.
Still plugging away at MGS4. Just finished Act 3. Man..That story. I can't be the only one who thinks MGS stories are completely ridiculous, cheesy and over-rated am I? The games are great and tons of fun don't get me wrong but the stories are a little over the top.

Also, I still am not used to playing Old Snake and the amount of cut-scenes can be annoying.
The MGS games really do have absurd, ridiculous storylines. They are a lot of fun to play. My favourite so far is Metal Gear Solid 3: Subsistence (Snake Eater).

MGS4 was very well known for the amount of cut scenes and I'm pretty sure a lot of people complained about them, as well as the radio sequences (which kinda acts like cut scenes too). It was especially annoying how MGS4 had to essentially "install" every damn Act.

I have mixed opinions on Old Snake. On one hand, I think the concept is cool but on the other hand, it would have also been cool to play as a younger, in-his-prime Snake too.
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