What are ya playing?

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TheJx4 said:
The second player can't use their own officer? and can't you just create 2 officers anyways? Haven't tried local yet, but I'll get around to it. Maybe it's different in 7.

You can create 2 officers, however when you start a scenario, unless you start as a Ruler, you won't have the other recruited. You'll need to recruit an officer first for the second player to use, and there is always the possibility that the first officer you recruit will be a no-name filler one, instead of the well-known Musou ones.

And no, you can't have the second player import their officers (or even save data for the pre-existing officers) for them to use.
Tyrranis said:
TheJx4 said:
The second player can't use their own officer? and can't you just create 2 officers anyways? Haven't tried local yet, but I'll get around to it. Maybe it's different in 7.

You can create 2 officers, however when you start a scenario, unless you start as a Ruler, you won't have the other recruited. You'll need to recruit an officer first for the second player to use, and there is always the possibility that the first officer you recruit will be a no-name filler one, instead of the well-known Musou ones.

And no, you can't have the second player import their officers (or even save data for the pre-existing officers) for them to use.

Okay, it's different in 7 Empires. You can add another player's character to your territory and "persuade" them to join you, or if you're a ruler, you can just use the create a team option. Only battle type in which splitscreen isn't available is skirmishes.
Wow, just drop in the word Musou and I'll instantly know what you're talking about. How sad am I?

Been playing a lot of Koei stuff myself, ROTTK 7-8-10-11, DW: Gundam 2, DW5 and Empires, SW2 and Empires... I even dug out that dirty illegal copy of DW3 I own.

DW3 is the only Warriors installment so far that actually rewards you for clearing the map of soldiers, it's nice to see all those blue dots on the mini-map swarm over the main enemy general. If you try doing the same on the other games your ally officers just remain stationed on their camps, favoring enemy officer hunting.

I'm starting to think DW3 may have been the best one as some people said.

Oh yeah, also playing Devil May Cry too, never got around that game, thought it was boring. Hope I finish it this time.
Instead of tackling my Steam or PS2 backlog, Stronghold Crusader Extreme. Doing the Crusader Extreme Trail Missions and they're pretty fun. The voices are even cheesier than the first and are so bad it's funny. Hardly anything has changed for the units and a tower of crossbowmen can take out an army of Black Monks before they get into melee range.
Mafia II

Beginning 'Jimmy's Vendetta.' Man, that game is difficult. I either die with in my first 30 seconds of starting a mission, or I die in a head-on collision on the way.
Really getting back into Stronghold Crusader now. The Wazir is a consistent pain in the arse. Doing a mission where it's me and the Abbot against the Wazie and Omar. Constant assaults on the Abbot and he's half my defense. Send crossbowmen to him, assassins take the gates on the other side of my base and start chopping up my quarry workers. But I finally got my economy going and held on, sent knights to wreck Omar every few minutes and with a combined assault of The Abbot's meat shields and my Knights and Macemen, finally took down Omar.

But the Wazir has an island fortress with three gates protecting the only way in. But it's fun, and a good challenge without feeling unfair.
Tyrranis said:
I got Far Cry 3 the other day, and have been playing that quite a bit.
It's rather good.
Have you played much of the story? Or co-op? Or multiplayer? I honestly could have just gona around wiping out pirates and punching sharks in the face.
So far I've been playing Star Trek Online. Not a bad MMO, it really took off for me when you get an upgraded ship that you could customize. It's a shame that the ground portion is a bit weak in the game. I think if they had the ground portion as good as Mass Effect's gameplay then there's potential for the game to do well before they went F2P.
danielrbischoff said:
Tyrranis said:
I got Far Cry 3 the other day, and have been playing that quite a bit.
It's rather good.
Have you played much of the story? Or co-op? Or multiplayer? I honestly could have just gona around wiping out pirates and punching sharks in the face.

None of the co-op or multiplayer, on the second island right now.
Thanks to the Friday sale, I've been playing FTL almost nonstop. No matter how good a run, I just cannot manage to beat the Rebel Flagship the third time.

Experimenting with teleporters and beating enemy crews senseless.
I brought a $50 steam wallet and brought: Rising Storm, Napoleon: Total War, Batman: Arkham Asylum and Batman: Arkham City. Needless to say, bandwidth at my house is getting used up.
danielrbischoff said:
Dear God Jim. I would love to play the Batman games for the first time again. Enjoy!

What are you starting with?

Same. I have never played City, but I played Asylum for ages before my console and copy were stolen. Haven't gotten around to replacing the game yet, though the thought is incredibly tempting.
What platforms do you have? The regular (non-GotY edition) Arkham City is pretty cheap everywhere now. It makes you feel so much like Batman, swooping all over town, beating dudes up, using the batarang to zip back up to skyscraper level.
Both GOTY version of the games were cheap on Steam yesterday so I figured, "Why not?". Arkham Asylum was $5 and Arkham City was $7.50.

I'm starting with Asylum because It's only takes up 8 gigs of space while City takes up 16 gigs. Going to randomly scream "I'm Batman!" while playing the game. :lol:
Games take up a lot of space these days.

Still a decade behind with Stronghold Crusader, haven't even touched any of the other games in the Stronghold pack.
Yeah, I think that if I get Asylum and City, I'll get the console versions. Otherwise, my younger brother will whine about how I got a game only I can play.
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