Friend of mine sold me his copy of GTAIV for $10, and because my save file was on my previous RRODed xbox I have to replay the entire game again so basically been playing that lately. Honestly I loved the GTA storyline and thought it was fun playing it (minus having to hang out with people or else they complain through text messages) so replaying isn't a probably especially since I don't have to worry about achievements.
Stopped playing Fallout New Vegas, I don't know why but even with Fallout 3 I thought it was a fantastic game but just wasn't patient enough to stick through it.... Is there something wrong with me? Might return it to finish RDR or Borderlands or finally try Marvel vs Capcom 3, basically something to keep me occupied until Dead Island or Rage. Also trying my best to avoid reinstating my WOW account just cause I really don't want to travel down that road again.
Stopped playing Fallout New Vegas, I don't know why but even with Fallout 3 I thought it was a fantastic game but just wasn't patient enough to stick through it.... Is there something wrong with me? Might return it to finish RDR or Borderlands or finally try Marvel vs Capcom 3, basically something to keep me occupied until Dead Island or Rage. Also trying my best to avoid reinstating my WOW account just cause I really don't want to travel down that road again.