What are ya playing?

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I saw that. Not a huge fan of it either, but that's just how it goes. Hopefully enough people will buy the PC release that they'll be persuaded to release a proper sequel.

I know I'm gonna get it. Damn.
I'm excited to play through Dragon's Dogma when it comes out on PC in January. I don't typically let performance issues bother me too much, but trying to play Dark Arisen on PS3 was kind of rough. Only got a few hours in both times I tried it.
I'm into DmC up to the end of the Slurm factory. Very fun. I'm not usually a fan of these sorts of action/combo brawlers, but this one is just deep enough without being too confusing.
Of the older games, I watched a friend play parts of Devil May Cry 1 and I think I owned Devil May Cry 3 but barely played it.
Nothing will beat the original DMC for me.

DmC is good, but I played that, then went to play DMC 4 Special Edition and I just thought the character in DmC was missing something.

Gameplay in DmC was really fun though, and easy to grasp.

DmC is nothing like DMC. Unless DMC4 is DmC in old DMC's light....you DMC? I mean, you see?


StudioTan said:
Wait... the original DMC on PS2, right? That franchise confuses the hell out of me.

I'm playing "DmC", the reboot from a few years ago. Horrible and confusing title for sure
Well, well...



Oh, you tricksters!
I got Tales of Zestiria. It's the same as any other Tales game pretty much - but that's exactly what I needed right now!

Loving it at the moment.
I was playing Mad Max over the weekend when I could, given that I've pretty much given up on Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain.

Now I'm back to The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt, playing the latest storyline DLC piece, Stone Hearts.

Stone Hearts is very challenging. The first boss battle was very tough and there was another battle that had me fighting a bunch of guys in a small area. I died a few times in both areas, despite being level 38 with full School of the Wolf gear.

The second boss fight is also very tough, but somehow I think it's optional... I couldn't believe the difficulty considering when I finished Wild Hunt's original campaign, I absolutely took the final boss to school and smashed him. With this second boss though, he's actually extremely easy once you figure him out.

Enjoying it so far and I'm glad I have a reason to return to the world of the Witcher.
I'm right around the area where you meet those three witches. I need to get back into that game. On what difficulty are you playing, Craig?
I'm playing on the default / normal difficulty. The difficulty goes up quite a bit in the Hearts of Stone expansion. Which is funny considering the enemies are about level 32, whilst I'm 38 with sweet gear, but I lose big chunks of my health.

Some enemies (like drowners) do absolutely nothing to me, but some bandits can carve a quarter of my health per strike. Really bad when you get surrounded!
I shudder at the thought of how difficult it's going to get for me. I'm currently playing on 'Hard.' May have to drop down to normal as I progress. :?
I just finished the Hearts of Stone expansion for The Witcher 3, and I echo Craig's thoughts on the difficulty (also playing on normal). There's one particular boss fight near the end that gave me a lot of trouble because it regenerates health constantly. Forces you to be aggressive, which can be challenging as I like to take a defensive approach in most fights. I appreciate the extra challenge for the most part though, and the entire expansion was fantastic. Can't wait for Blood and Wine next year.
MattAY said:
That was quick.

Girlfriend and I had been playing it in Early Access. The release version added one addition set of chapters to the campaign so we flew through the first 2/3rds of the game.

I watched my girl finish LIfe is Strange last night. Just going to give a simple "good".

Now onto Party Hard. New maps released for free today!
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