I finally started Dragon Age: Inquisition off the top of my backlog pile. Playing as a female elf warrior named Meril. Only just now got to my first interaction with the war table, so I'm only a bit over an hour in. No spoilers please. I'll probably revive the Official Topic along the way.
Still plugging away at Fire Emblem: Awakening. I've run into a big difficulty spike at Chapter 17, and all the paralogues popping up. So I'm doing some grinding with reeking boxes and random challenges, trying to raise the level of my ace squad, but also get some of my forgotten gen 1 party members to develop S relationships and get more kids on the board. Man, I want that Lucina amiibo.
Also playing The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time 3D, at the end of Dodongo's Cavern. Only playing maybe once a week, but hoping to get lots of time in on an upcoming plane ride.
Battlefield: Hardline has been lots of fun. The stealth campaign is a really cool departure for the series. The multiplayer is awesome also but we have had a tough time getting together lately so I haven't played much. I think I'm level 29, mostly playing Mechanic class. Very close to unlocking the last submachine gun, and hopefully I like it. Right now I've been using the MP5K with my thieves and the M4/5 with the police and I honestly can't even tell them apart.