What are ya playing?

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The servers were being retarded anyway. Too many people were on to do the heists I didn't even bother playing one. On the upside though Longo has nice tits.
Sourdeez said:
I guess it is a good thing they delayed the PC version then.

My ps3 controller is dead.

Charge it up and let's do some missions brah. Do I even have you on PSN? I'm terrible when it comes to adding people to shit.
Life is Strange Episode 1. Awful writing, awful voice acting, cool art style, maybe interesting gameplay, too early you tell. Not sure what to really think yet.
Far Cry 4.

I like it a lot better than FC3. Better story at least, although I can do without the Shangri-La missions - I just want to blow shit up.
used44 said:
Life is Strange Episode 1. Awful writing, awful voice acting, cool art style, maybe interesting gameplay, too early you tell. Not sure what to really think yet.
I played the demo and liked the rewind gimmick and the art style, but holy hell that lip-syncing is terrible.
Yeah, they didn't even try with the lip syncing. But that's fine. Near the end of this first chapter they finally introduce some interesting character relationships, and a pretty compelling cliffhanger.

The rewinding time mechanic is novel, but isn't used smartly in any puzzles. It's mostly used to cover ground quickly and get ahead of events that would block your path in a few seconds time because when you reverse time, Max doesn't walk backwards, she stays where she's planted. It kind of feels like cheating when you think of how Braid did it without allowing you to ever really "teleport." This game is all teleporting. You think people would notice a girl blinking all around the campus.

The rewind mechanic is cool when used in conversation, though. You can choose to do/say something, experience the immediate repercussions, then go and do the other one (which also will have bad reactions). It's really great.
Evolve just released patch 1.1

They lowered some of the requirements for the character progression. A good move I say.

Update: finished two more hunters tonight. 7 down - 5 to go.(And then 3 monsters.) Cant wait for the dlc hunters and monsters!
Tales of Maj'Eyal, on the Slime Tunnels with my Oozemancer and completely rolling everything. It's hilariously easy to shut down magic users with the Anti-Magic tree and with my new 4000 gold randart Mindstar that interrupts spell casting and Spell Feedback, that prodigy that slaps the fail out of magic users that cast against the MC. Form here on out it's magic users that will be the bane of all and for the final boss fight, I'm the water to their fire, their gun to their fist, the Liam Neeson to their Albanian Sex Traffickers.
Cities: Skylines. It's like the new SimCity... except you know, not like the new SimCity. Simple yet complex modern city builder with mod support and you could play it offline.
Still playing Dying Light for the PS4. Haven't been this addicted to a game since Dragon Age: Inquisition.

While it's been very intense in some parts (e.g. fighting hordes of zombies or out running the volatiles), I came across one side quest which in my opinion has been the most intense and scariest part of the game.


In the second area (the city) of Dying Light, there's a side quest in an area called "The Fan" where there's a distress signal. The signal is a man begging for help, saying they have women and children, need food, water and medicine and in exchange will give ammo. When you arrive, the entire place is messed up and there's corpses everywhere, not the zombie kind either. As you traverse these bloodied, mutilated halls, the distress signal continues to play.

You eventually reach a laptop that's playing the message. You turn the laptop off, the message stops, then the same voice from the message echoes in the halls. He says he's going to take your food, water and medicine then he's going to kill you. He then cuts the power shortly after and begins to gas some of the areas.

You've then gotta hunt this sick bastard down and when you encounter him, the wanker is wearing a hazmat suit, has an assault rifle and is tougher to kill than most normal human-enemies. The fight itself wasn't really that intense at all, but the build up to it, God damn. I haven't been that unnerved by a game since Alien: Isolation.

End spoilers.
A mix of Kingdoms of Amalur, Tactics Ogre, and Codename S.T.E.A.M

I am on a huge RPG/Strategy kick for this week since I got the week off for spring break.
Going through four games at once at the moment. Watch Dogs, DmC Definitive Edition, Oddworld New n Tasy and Murdered Soul Suspect. It is a bollock for keeping up with control schemes!

Murdered Soul Suspect isnt a game...well it is, it's a game of collectibles! ALL you do is collect stuff - even in the main story. But it's a nice game to chill out after being fairly high-octane in the others. I'm just glad I bought it discounted for about £4.
Been playing Sword Art Online: Hollow Fragment on my Vita. We just moved and I still haven't gotten any of my consoles hooked up. I hope to remedy that this weekend.
I bought Metro: 2033 and Metro: Last Light on the PS4, since it's currently on PSN Plus for a really cheap price.

I'm also playing Tomb Raider: Definitive Edition for the PS4. I forgot how much I enjoyed this game.

Bloodborne is out this week so I'm really excited for that!
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