What are ya playing?

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So tragic Matt, two gamers never allowed to game together because of a feuding on-going console war that has lasted for generations. We're like Romeo and...Bro-me-o?

I gave Hitman some more time and it definitely gets a lot better. I can usually get through a stage without raising any suspicion whatsoever. But whenever my cover is blown from a disguise I say screw it and go Rambo on the level.
I was on a bit of a oldy, with Bioshock 1 and KotOR 2 (w/ restored content mod).

But I just got my copy of The Last of Us, so....
I'll give that a try.
Edit: Woo hooo!

On Silent Hill 3, since I've only ever reached the Giant Worm boss before getting too bored....not scared, bored...

So I'm going to complete it this time!
Bretimus_v2 said:
Duck ...tales !

I'd like to point out how sad I am that the post right after this wasn't Woo-Hoo!

WickedLiquid said:
I'd like to point out how sad I am that the post right after this wasn't Woo-Hoo!

Edit: I'd also like to point out how sad I am that the post after this wasn't expressing how brilliant Matt is.
Playing Pokemon Black and White 2 (Black) again. I say "again" because I stopped playing for about six months or so, now I'm back on it and bloody well addicted to it. Finally got a Haxorus!

I also picked up Monster Hunter: Ultimate for the 3Ds, to play with two mates of mine (one mate has it on the 3Ds, the other on the Wii U).

I saw Splinter Cell: Blacklist on Steam for sale and I jumped up and down in excitement, as the game doesn't come out here until the 22nd next week. Then I stopped jumping, when I realised that the game isn't "unlocked" on Steam until the 23rd, next week.

Steam - Why do you do these terrible things to me.
Green_Lantern said:
PvZ 2 seems a lot harder than the first.
I love the difficulty. Makes strategy that much more important. I love the stars that limit your total expenditure of sun, it's almost like a puzzle game that way. I'm trucking through Egypt pretty steadily though. Played from 100% phone battery to 20% today.
I'm at 17 hours of FFXIII-2.

I also played about two hours straight of Game Dev Story while watching football. Then i deleted it again. I think I got my fix. You guys would be proud though – I made a Game Boy game about pirates called Rippin' Butts.
After attempting Spelunky a few times now, I feel that platformers like it are a lot more difficult than platformers like Super Meat Boy.
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