What are ya playing?

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Longo_2_guns said:
Which alternate costumes did you get?

Umm, I'm such a nerd that I'll probably get all or most of them. I really like how the game will randomly assign the AI fighter a costume, even in Battle mode. So it doesn't feel wasted. Not like in NCAA Football, for example, the computer controller team will always use the default uniforms.

Anyway, I think so far I got
Red Son, both packs.
Teen Titans
New 52
Flashpoint (came with the season pass, iirc)
Green_Lantern said:
I tend to ask this for about every new fighting game, but is Injustice good for people terrible at fighters?
My friend had never gotten a fighting game in his life prior to Injustice, and in the few months since he got it he's already better than me. Enough said.
I'm playing Minecraft, and making a similar experience to the Bioshock intro. The lighthouse and a bit of a rollercoaster is made...and now I have to make Rapture - EASY.
Man, I've made so many underwater cities in Minecraft it's ridiculous.

My all time favorite, though, was doing a sky castle with a train that went down into the water, where it went through a tunnel system to an underwater base.
Shadowrun Returns for PC. I'm really enjoying it. I'm a sucker for cyberpunk stuff, I love the combat system (very similar to the old Fallout games) and I love RPGs. It's a shame to hear the game is apparently not that long, but I can't wait for some user generated content.

Also replaying The Last of Us on New Game Plus mode. I want Shiv Master!
So apparently Martian Manhunter isn't included in the Injustice season pass. Regardless, my friend bought him and I got to play him extensively earlier.

...I think I'm gonna get it once I get back to better internet climates with my PS3.
Yeah so many publishers are doing the "season pass" that only includes some of the available content. It's such a joke.
DLC is a joke in general. But it's like, I'm glad I got 4 characters, but Zod, Lobo, Batgirl, and Scorpion? Out of all the possible choices for DLC characters those are the 4 I DON'T want.

They should just release a complete pack in like a year with all this shit bundled together.
La-Mulana, great "metroidvania" that definitely doesn't hold your hand

and I'm pruning my Doom wads. The file has blown to near 2 gigabytes and I'm sure there's a lot of shit just waiting to be deleted.
Trying out planetside 2. I love playing around with the Nvidia Physx effects.

If anyone else is playing. Hit me up.

:edit: aww they removed some of the physx effects due to a bug. :(
Been playing a lot of Football Manager 2013 and Crusader Kings II. Both of them just sort of suck up a ton of time without me really noticing.
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