Upcoming films for the Fall/Winter season


We have a thread for what movie you saw last, but how about upcoming movies you want to see. There are a bunch coming out between now and the end of the year that look really good.

Coming out this weekend is Cloud Atlas

Trailer: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hWnAqFyaQ5s

The trailer is very long but the movie is over 3 hours and is about several stories that slowly begin to connect. So I wouldn't say the trailer gives away the whole movie or actually spoils it. Hopefully the film can deliver. It's directed by The Wachowski Brothers who created The Matrix so the bar is set high.

Next up is Life of Pi

Trailer: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mZEZ35Fhvuc

People are calling it "The Next Avatar" but we'll see. It looks beautiful and is directed by Ang Lee. Don't worry, there are no Gay cowboys in this one. Life of Pi hits theaters Novembers 21st

And finally there's The Hobbit!

Newest trailer: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b1SJ7yaa7cI

It looks incredible. My only concern is that there is a rumor that Peter Jackson will turn The Hobbit into a trilogy. As many know there will be a Hobbit Part 2 in December of 2013 and the book itself was actually pretty short so how they'd make a part 3 I have no idea. Your thoughts?

Hopefully this won't follow the same fate as the Star Wars Prequels but we'll have to see. From the looks of it this first movie looks fantastic so check it out December 14th if you know what's good for you. 8)

I thought you were a film-aholic. I am SO excited for the films coming out soon... About to eat dinner but I'll be back soon enough to post the ones I can't wait for.

I was also thinking about making a thread like this.

I wish I could look forward to The Hobbit.. I always try to watch The Lord of the Rings, but just can't because the hobbits bother me too much, particularly Frodo.

To name a few quick...

The Man With the Iron Fists
Les Miserables
Killing Them Softly

I normally don't like Tarantino but, Django Unchained looks awesome.

But theres a bajillion more. Will be back soon.

Back sort of...

These are a little further down the line, but nevertheless am excited.

Gangster Squad
Hansel & Gretel (Will most likely suck, but am hopeful one of these fairy tale movies won't suck eventually)
Stand Up Guys <-- Very pumped to see
Broken City
You read books? GTFO

intoTheRain said:

Well I didn't want to be a film hog! I wanted people to post stuff too! LOL. I'm a big Hitchcock fan so the movie based on his life should be interesting.
WickedLiquid said:
Well I didn't want to be a film hog!

It's all good I took care of the film hogging for you.

Think my list should about cover it.

I'm sure there are some more underground films im not aware of that I'll likely love as well though, that other people may know of.

Edit: Oh I'm also extremely excited for Carrie with Chloe Moretz as Carrie. She is an awesome actress and is only 15. Just because she is Carrie I have high hopes for it. Not sure when that one comes out either though.
Shit man, I gotta get my act together for the fall movie season. I still haven't seen Looper, and now I need to catch up and see Argo.

Anyways, Cloud Atlas will be one to see.

Lincoln, I'm gonna wait till I hear some reviews. It could go either way. Daniel Day-Lewis always gives a 10/10 performance, but Senor Speilbergo....let's just say he isn't quite the director he used to be. And didja get a load of that trailer? It looked like somebody was making a parody of Oscar-bait trailers, what with the majestically swelling John Williams score and all the YELLING.

Silver Lining Playbook is one that I'm interested in. Yeah, its a dance movie, but its directed by David O. Russel (The Fighter, Three Kings, I <3 Huckabee's) and its got a good cast--DeNiro, Bradley Cooper going serious, and Jennifer Lawrence proving that she can be more than just Katniss (But if you've already seen Winter's Bone, you know that already). Trailer: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Lj5_FhLaaQQ

Django Unchained. Quentin Tarantino and Hideo Kojima (of Metal Gear fame) both inhabit the same role in their respective mediums. Their early works are game changing works of creative genius. But they aren't content to rest on their laurels, so they start experimenting, and doing different things. You start looking back on their earlier works. Were they really that good? Yes, but... Then you hear about their new project. You get super excited, you go out and experience it ASAP, its awesome, every else loved it, you can't stop thinking about it, it was amazing....and then you start asking questions. Like, was yeah it was excellent but was it as excellent as it could have been? Did he really have to go off on all those tangents? And wasn't that trailer SUPER misleading? And soon it becomes apparent that they didn't make that movie/video game for you, they made in for themselves. But you're glad that somebody made it, because you are willing to look beyond all the flaws.

The Hobbit. One of those movies that probably dosen't even need to made, since this exists already: http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_detailpage&v=R9KKyZ5d3h8. If it can be half as good as the Lord of the Rings trilogy, it is worth seeing. And worth seeing another four or five times. But does it really need to be a trilogy?
WickedLiquid said:
The question is which Bond is your fave? And if you say George Lazenby I'll steal your Porkpie hat.

The only answer to that question is Sean Connery. Although I do quite like Daniel Craig as Bond.
I love movies! But I'm so bad at making it to the theaters to see them. So I'll probably be seeing most of the movies you guys have listed at home.

But I'll be making a full effort to see Skyfall and The Hobbit in theaters. I also wouldn't mind seeing Wreck-It-Ralph and Les Miserables in the theater, but who knows.
WickedLiquid said:
Yes, Skyfall should be awesome. I've always been a fan of Bond.

It's coming out November 9th btw. Go see it!

The question is which Bond is your fave? And if you say George Lazenby I'll steal your Porkpie hat.
For the record, I chose the largest image I could find to spite you for the comment you deleted.

Also, the order of Bonds goes Connery > Craig > Dalton > Lazenby > Brosnan > Moore
Haha yeah, I got it.

Critics are crapping on Cloud Atlas, how disappointing. Something tells me that it'll still be the better choice over Silent Hill, lol.
WickedLiquid said:
Haha yeah, I got it.

Critics are crapping on Cloud Atlas, how disappointing. Something tells me that it'll still be the better choice over Silent Hill, lol.

Really, all I heard so far is positive feedback.
used44 said:
Cloud Atlas looks terrible.


was never excited for it tbh.

as for bonds i personally loved brosnan, i just felt he was given crappy bond films, besides goldeneye

and daniel craig is a reinvention of bond to me.. i wouldn't put him in the same category
I would have seen Cloud Atlas (gotta have me some Hugo Weaving), but I read some reviews and it isn't too favourable.

I haven't seen Dredd yet (I plan on rectifying that in a few hours time), but I do want to see Life of Pi, Skyfall, and Django Unchained.

I still haven't seen Hotel Transylvania (I'll probably just wait until it hits the internet), and I want to see The Croods (also animated, also will probably wait for an "unofficial" internet release)
intoTheRain said:
as for bonds i personally loved brosnan, i just felt he was given crappy bond films, besides goldeneye
He was the most "Bond" of all the Bonds (after Connery I guess since he was the original), but yeah he got the shit end of the stick with the films.

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