Two w**kers with one fist


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that jerk JCD!

At some point today you will get some pie in the face, be it by accident slip, or by mistakenly flicking some pie from your fork........I will be the one that made it happen. oh and it WILL happen!

HAPPY BIRTHDAY donkey punchers.
It's only like 10 in the morning in England. OF COURSE HE'S DRUNK!

Also, happy birthday Keepit, since JCD is too busy being dead to care.
I may be a little tipsy still from last night yes. I'm going to have some amazing sausage sandwiches in a minute.

Keepit you are allowed one standard-sized bite.
JCD you can only sniff, because as Longo said, you are too dead.
What? you can't say worker around here?

Happy birthday both of yous!
Keepit... keep it realz and... JCD... huh... your initials are one letter away from staring in Bloodsport.

And... i should probably get to sleep before i say something else idiotic like beer Sheep Amedhinejad ba ba... Yom Kippur...zzz....
MattAY said:
I'm going to have some amazing sausage sandwiches in a minute.

That's what she said?

Happy birthday guys!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Are those enough exclimation marks? Oh what the hell....

Well thanks guys. I'm 16 now, so i'm off to my friend's house for a party he's throwing later today. Matt, I think i'll save the bite for tomorrow morning, i might be a little tipsy then too :wink:

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