Two epic 90 minute Star Wars reviews


Okay this isn't the newest thing in the world but it's so amazing that I thought I'd create a topic about it. Are you someone that considers yourself a Star Wars fan? Did you hate the new trilogy with a passion? Well I can pretty much guarantee you didn't hate it half as much as this guy:
This guy pretty much does amazing reviews of geeky things. He also has a subplot going on where he's a serial killer, but that's beside the point. He started out complaining about the next generation Star Trek movies but that was all just small potatoes compared to this:
If you click that link you see that it's 1 of 7. That's right he goes on for seven ten minute videos about how and why he hates episode 1. He's funny while doing it and makes some really good points. We all know that episode 1 is a bad movie but this really gets into WHY it's a bad movie.
Then a few days ago he posted this:
That's right...9 parts. He goes on for basically the length of Attack of the Clones to tell why it sucks. You might think that AotC is a better movie then TPM but he will respectfully now tell you why you are wrong.
So if you have the free time watch these videos and tell me what you think or just discuss your painful experiences with the new star wars movies.
Someone posted the Episode 1 review a few months ago. That said, they still make me laugh like crazy.

And since we're plugging Star Wars stuff, here's Darths & Droids, a mix of Star Wars and Dungeons and Dragons. Pretty funny.

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