The People Speak Week 5: Buying the first game of 2011

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MattAY said:
I always buy from Amazon, they always seem to be less than any retail around here. Plus I'm a prime member so extra delivery charges dont exist for me.

My first purchase is already done! A pre-order of Dead Space 2. Been waiting for this game since I finished with the first. And after seeing some exciting videos (the Halo jump and long 15 min demo), I really want Jan 25th to come now.
dead space 2 will probably also be my first purchase... i'm trying to finish 1 before the 25th
I buy 90% of my games new from Amazon and the other 10% used from GameFly or occassionally Gamestop.

Lately though, I've been addicted to trading games on Goozex. I've amassed an enormous backlog of Xbox 360 titles that I'm slowly chipping through.

I haven't bought a 2011 release yet. Dragon Age 2 will probably be the first.
Haha, the problem with Dead Space is that it is SO intense! I remember playing the first and only being able to handle 2 chapters maximum before needing a relaxing breather.

It's not really a problem, I actually love how intense it is. But yeah.
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