The *official* World of Warcraft topic.

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Last time i played for about a week but i stop it and i don't know why maybe because I'm not that addict on online
So I just hit 68 on my Druid and now I can fly. Woop woop! Flying is so amazing, it adds a whole new level to the game while making travel so much easier.
I think I got addicted to the game. Not because of the game itself, really, but because of the auction house. I just got engrossed in the market, buying low and selling high, trying to get as much gold as possible. This is the same crap that got me addicted to EVE, even thought it was A LOT more complicated in EVE. EVE even had market trends, I have to visit an external site to get that in WoW. Also EVE had different sales regions, which allowed you to earn more money if you knew how to exploit it properly. But I like WoW's simplified way better as I don't waste nearly as much time trying to earn money and I don't have to plan ahead for the week.

My only motivation to level is in order to find drops taht I can sell for money on the auction house.
FrozenBacon said:
I think I got addicted to the game. Not because of the game itself, really, but because of the auction house. I just got engrossed in the market, buying low and selling high, trying to get as much gold as possible. This is the same crap that got me addicted to EVE, even thought it was A LOT more complicated in EVE. EVE even had market trends, I have to visit an external site to get that in WoW. Also EVE had different sales regions, which allowed you to earn more money if you knew how to exploit it properly. But I like WoW's simplified way better as I don't waste nearly as much time trying to earn money and I don't have to plan ahead for the week.

My only motivation to level is in order to find drops taht I can sell for money on the auction house.
Never met someone whose time was spent mostly on the AH.
TheNesMan said:
FrozenBacon said:
I think I got addicted to the game. Not because of the game itself, really, but because of the auction house. I just got engrossed in the market, buying low and selling high, trying to get as much gold as possible. This is the same crap that got me addicted to EVE, even thought it was A LOT more complicated in EVE. EVE even had market trends, I have to visit an external site to get that in WoW. Also EVE had different sales regions, which allowed you to earn more money if you knew how to exploit it properly. But I like WoW's simplified way better as I don't waste nearly as much time trying to earn money and I don't have to plan ahead for the week.

My only motivation to level is in order to find drops taht I can sell for money on the auction house.
Never met someone whose time was spent mostly on the AH.

Well, I suppose when I finally do get tired of trying to maximize my money, I'll start exploring the rest of the game but right now there isn't much need for me to. Well, I did just start to level my alchemy after I saw how high some potions went for when they are so cheap to make. I also go to the battlegrounds from time to time to pwn some noobz. But yea, I really haven't leveled for about a week now. When i finally do decide to level, I'll sure as hell would have enough money to finance myself up to level 70.
The best part of the game to me was exploring. I loved finding new areas, which is why i dislike being at level 70. I've seen everything :(. I tried to log on today and my account expired, i'm thinking about leaving it like that for a while.
TheNesMan said:
The best part of the game to me was exploring. I loved finding new areas, which is why i dislike being at level 70. I've seen everything :(. I tried to log on today and my account expired, i'm thinking about leaving it like that for a while.
best part about wow is you think you seen everything but theres always something you didnt see.
Bah, you can't explore in WoW. In SWG when I was bored I would sometimes just pick a direction to go in my speeder and go, to see what is along the way. In WoW you get aggro from 500 miles away if you go into an area you aren't supposed to go to yet. I hate that. Finding new areas is cool and all but you can only explore them when the game allows you to. If you don't like a certain area, then tough luck because you're stuck there for about 10 levels!
Man... I miss SWG. Especially dancing in the cantina wearing nothing but hawtpants. :( What's the closest thing you can do in WoW? Jump on top of the fountain in stormwind and dance in your underwear. It just isn't the same! In WoW that does nothing but make you look like an idiot. Well, same thing applies to SWG, but people come to the cantina to see the dancers... they wanted to see YOU! them sexy hawtpants. You were the star... a hawtpants superstar.
That and you got tips in SWG because it was such a huge part of the economy in the game. The player made economy was so vast and important in SWG virtually everything was for sale, and made sense to be making money for it. Unlike WoW where you're paid to dance, you're most likely being paid by some 13 year old pervert, or it's a 13 year old pervert having his character entertain.

PS. Lawsie did you start WoW again? Rosa and I will be at my place in 5 days and I'll be on a little more frequently.
Hai guise.


Playing my friend's rogue right now.
Wow, I couldn't hold back from playing this game for another day.. i installed it again today and baught a new account, i currently have a level 2 mage on the PvP server darkspear, WOO
Wowie wow, I have gotten into this game again... And I've now playing again for a little under 2 weeks and my mage is level 40!

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