The *official* World of Warcraft topic.

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I just preordered BC, completely paid it off so on tuesday i just have to pick it up. And lol, two hot girls were preordering BC there too, as well as talking about zelda. I wanted to marry them.
Okay i just got back from EB, special midnight opening for BC. Over 100 people was there, it was really funny. I got a free shaver(very nice one) and a BC poster!.
Yeah since i am a manager now at gamestop, i had to close the store down tonite and open it early for launching WOW:BC.

ANd i must say this is huge, peopel are loving it so much! IN our town, such a small town as el dorado, and we had 70 people there. SO tonite i decided to buy the 19.99 version of WOW. I have been putting it off, but i didnt realize that it had a free month with it, so basically your paying 5 bucks for the game. PLus, i get my discount, so i only paid 3 bucks for the game. haha. I loved it.

SO i got it, and i will hopefully like it. Def gonna wait on BC for a while tho, shit i dont even know what to do yet. Check my other topic i am working on now.
Kraid said:
Ugh, 15 hours in the can and just passed 63, all nighters ftw u c

why race to 70 just to wait for everyone to catch up? enjoy the game and get some sleep :p

just got 61... took me about 6 hours.. doesn't seem bad at all and it's fun as hell

it's 11:00 pm and i'm goin to sleep, for shame..
i took a break from it and just got back on when my copy came in the mail. So im a 47 struggling to get to 58. Im just gonna pull an all nighter and go crazy on some leveling.
Just got to 61. I'm loving the items in Outland, I've already replaced my staff, wand, hat, and a trinket.... but my gear was not that most amazing to start out with. Hopefully I'll be getting some nice tier 4 or 5 or whatever since my friend got me into the best guild on our server. It's hard to keep up with them though.... most are 62 with a fair number of 63s and 3 or 4 64s.
grinded my way to 51 last night. Went to blackrock with some 60s from my guild too.

Anyone see that 72.6 dps 1 handed sword? Its in one of the 70 raids of course so no one will have it anytime soon, still effing crazy though.
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